Chapter 25

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Akiteru POV

Never once did the boy look up.
Mom just sighed.
The event was now done and only the prize or medal distribution was left.
Mom and our step-dad looking at my brother with pride.
Even though he does not pay much heed to any parental figure in his life, he still respects them.
He just does not seem to like adults in general.

" All participants who placed, are requested to assemble near the   podium. "
I see him making his way there.
He looks emotionless even though he is going to receive three medals.
They soon line up and he just looks lost in his thoughts.
And then.
He looks up.
He seems to be scanning the crowd.
Mom started to wiggle her shoulders with excitement hoping for her younger son to spot her.

He suddenly stops a few metres away from us and a look of suprise washes on his face.
His mouth is literally hanging open.
He doesn't have a squint, does he?
The boy beside him nudges him and closes his mouth.
He mouths a sorry and starts paying attention to the lady upfront.
Soon he is given three medals.
Bronze in diving.
Silver in butterfly.
Gold in relay.

After all the medals have been given out, we were waiting with a few other families to pick their child up.
He comes out the building with a few other children about his age.
Wait a minute.
He was smiling and blushing.
Two shorter boys were poking Kei and a guy with a weird dye job was poking the tallest.
I don't if he is taller, his hair sticks out a lot.
The heck?

Akaashi POV

He saw us.
He looked surprised.
The other guy elbowed him and told him something.
So he stopped paying attention to us and directed it to the medal distribution.
I felt very proud.
Like my baby birb performed very well.
Kuroo on the other hand, looked very nervous even though he dragged us here with consent.

Because consent is important kids.

We hid behind a few banners so that we could catch him as soon as possible.
He was being given a talk by the same guy who was standing beside him earlier.
Must be their captain.
They start walking towards the gates and we pop out and pull him aside.
Well, I did, the others just stood behind me.
Kenma not having anything to do with him.
Kuroo-san being nervous.

Bokuto-san pushing the latter ahead.
I stay back with the others when Kuroo-san asks Kei of he could talk to him.
I go and side hug my boyfriend, because why not?
Kenma is already playing something on his phone.
Both of us are looking at our friends anticipating the outcome.
To say that Kuroo-san has moves would be an understatement.
Oooo. They are kissing now.

Tsukishima POV

" I am so sorry. "
" Huh. I don't follow. " I reply.
" I am sorry for being so dumb. "
" It is okay. There are certain things you can't help. My mother recommends solving sudoku puzzles. It helps mak- "
" Stop. That is not what I meant. I- Gods. I am relatively smart. Most of the times.
Look, I like you very much. "
He said coming closer and continued.

" I like the way you talk, I like your sense of humour, I like the way you keep adjusting your glasses. "
He put a hand on my hip.
" I love the way you react to me, my touch, I love the way you blush. "
He leaned in closer.
He keeps looking at my lips.
" Heck, I would become a simp for you. So I would like to ask you this, do you agree to date me and maybe become my boyfriend? "

" If we are dating, wouldn't I already become your boyfriend? "
" I don't know, I have only heard people say they dated multiple people at the same time but later on chose one person to be the one. "
" I don't get it but okay. "
" You still haven't answered if you are willing to date me."
" Oh. Yes, please. "
He smiled and the completely leaned in to kiss me.

I, of course, returned it without hesitation remembering last night.
Unlike yesterday, this was softer and less frantic on both sides.
I start to pull back but he only leans in further.
I push him away and he is just pouting for some reason.
" Oya oya oya? "
" No, I am not dealing with this again. "
" Fine, just let me- "
" Shit, my mom are waiting for me outside. "

As soon as I said this Akaashi-san and Bokuto-san were behind us shoving us towards the exit where Kenma was already standing.
The moment I leave the building, I see them waiting for me with a confused look on their faces.
Probably because I am still holding Kuroo's hands.
I never really did come out to them, did I?
Anyway, I bid them good bye and we leave for Miyagi.

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