Chapter 22

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Kenma POV

" Thank you for not being harsh with me."
" Why are you thanking me? "
" I don't know. I just like that you were nice and gentle instead of being rough the first time. "
" The first time? " I questioned.
He just blushed and we were interrupted by Bokuto and Akaashi.
" Why are you here? "

" No need to be harsh Kenma-kun, we come with peaceful intentions. Lev kicked us out because Akaashi abused his power of the bottle. "
" That was a close save though. "
" Wait, you purposely put Kuroo-senpai and Tsukishima together? "
" Shouyou, it was obvious that they were crushing on each other. "
" Really? "

" Yes, now Bokuto-san and I will leave you two alone. " Akaashi answered for me and dragged a confused Bokuto away.
" Well, " he started, " what do you want to talk about? "
" Honestly, you would be the one talking the most so you start with what you are comfortable with. "
This is how we started a three hour long conversation about the new Minecraft update.

Ennoshita POV

After Lev pushed the Fukurodani captain and setter away, we resumed playing.
Tanaka and I both were okay with playing since this was just a game.
Other than the fact that it did feel weird seeing my boyfriend and a guy who was basically his clone with the weird hairstyle he had in first year but in a mohawk felt weird.
Anyways, he spun the bottle and it landed facing himself and Mattsun.

Both of the were hyped to play the game and in the same fashion kissed and happily continued the game.
Next were Yamaguchi and Sugawara-san.
We heard Yams and Yachi break up yesterday. I am pretty sure that they both cried after that.
They quickly pecked each other and chickened out.
Same happened with Daichi and Kai.
I did not fail to notice Mom and Dad leave after that.

Kageyama POV
Yachi and Kiyoko-san had to kiss which they did and left to talk and Yachi was shaking a little bit.
" We might go back after this if she is not feeling well. "
" I will tell Daichi-san, don't worry. ' Ennoshita-san replies.
Am I the only one who noticed that Asahi-san and Noya-san are missing?
There were only the three of us remaining, Ennoshita-san, Makki-san and me.

And guess who got left behind, that is right, me.
I had already given up when Tsukishima served like that earlier today. I knew his brother was helping him out but, why?
He is also probably making out with Kuroo-san...
Only Yamaguchi and I have each other to keep company through our loneliness.
He is not bad company.
He is kinda cute too but a lot of emotional baggage.

Too hung up on Tsukki and Hikota, but I guess I have time.
Time flew by while dancing to the horrible Russian songs that Lev had selected.
We were now supposed to to leave but the people who were supposed to escort us back to our dorms were not here.
Nekoma had already left and even Fukurodani was leaving.
Are we just supposed to like go back?

Tsukishima POV
I was so enjoying life but unfortunately all things have to come to an end.
We somehow had managed to settle on a big lawn chair where I was straddling him.
I tried pulling away from him but he did not let me. He was strong.
But after struggling for a while, he finally let me go. He did look a tad bit annoyed.
I just laughed at his expression and said, " It is getting late, I have to go. "

" Do you have to? " He asked me, emphasizing on ' have '.
" Yes, unlike you, they have to leave relatively early. "
He got up. My hand was till in his which he used to pull me closer.
He pouted like a little kitten and put his head in the crook of my neck.
I smiled and kissed his head.
He looked up and was about to say something when he was interrupted by my captain.

" Sorry to interrupt but can you take them to the dorms, there is a problem with Suga that I have to attend to. "
" It is not serious, is it? " I was genuinely concerned.
" Oh no. Nothing serious. " He reassured.
" What kind of problem is it? " Kuroo said wiggling his eyebrows.
Daichi-san did not have to say anything because I already bonked him on his head.
I took my leave and led a bunch of confused ducklings back to heir dorms.

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