Chapter 2

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We make it to San Diego and head to the PD. We meet the detective and he sends us to a room where we could set up and get started.

There was a large clear board and we set up everything we've gathered on the jet, and onto the board.

"There was just another murder. Eighteen year old Emily Hudgens."

We look at eachother with wide eyes. This person really wasn't taking any cooling off time, we have to act fast.

"So where do we go from here?" Nova starts.

"We need to split up to get the information more effectively. Y/N, Cece and Nova, head to the recent crime scene. Meghan, Ian, talk to the first victims parents. Reagan and Calum, go to the second victims parents. Spencer, you stay with me and we'll gather information on the first and second crime scene." Moore says. We all abide and head out.

I hop in one of the large cars and Nova takes shotgun, Cece sits in the back. I drive to the scene where victim #3 was murdered.

"Do you guys really think this could have to do something with me?" I say.

"I mean we can't rule out the possibility. But there's also a chance it's just a coincidence." Nova answers.

"He's right Y/N. Don't stress. We'll figure it out." I see Cece smile from the rear view.

We make it to the crime scene and head out of the car. I walk up to the body inside the house while Nova follows and Cece talks to the Detective.

I inspect the victim carefully, viewing her limp body.

"There are no ligature marks. The unsub didn't use any kind of material to detain the victim." I point to her neck.

"It would be easy. None of the victims are athletic. They're all petite young women." Nova says.

"We should speak to her parents."

Nova and I then head into the house. I quickly inspect the door, raising an eyebrow.

"No signs of forced entry." I turn to Nova. He just shrugs his shoulders and we look for the parents.

Me and Nova find the victims parents in the living room, crying while talking to an officer. We walk up to them and they stare at us with tear stained eyes.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hudgens. I'm agent Y/L/N and this is agent Jackson with the FBI. We'd like to speak with you about Emily if that's okay?"

I see Mr. Hudgens nod slowly while Mrs. Hudgens continues crying.

"Did your daughter have any enemies at school or have any issues with other students?" Nova asks.

"No she would never. Everyone adored her. She was a good kid and didn't have any problems with anyone else." Mrs. Hudgens says.

"Did she have any boyfriends or recent exes?" I ask.

"Not that I've heard of." Mr. Hudgens adds.

"Did she involve herself with anybody...different?" I ask.

"What do you mean different? Are you saying my daughter involved herself with druggies or something like that?! What's wrong with you?!" Mrs. Hudgens yells.

"It's basic procedure ma'am. There are things a lot of parents don't know about their kids. She's a teenager, she does things on her own without letting you guys know. It's possible your daughter could of interacted with the person that killed her. Any piece of information is very valuable and can help us catch whoever this person is." I say sternly then walk out of the house.

"Well that was interesting." Nova says.

"Yeah it was." I chuckle.

Right on cue I get a call from Greg.

"Yes Moore?" I accept the call and say.

"Y/N I need you, Jackson and Miller to go check out the other victims."

"Yes of course sir." I hang up and turn to Nova.

"We gotta check the bodies don't we?"

"Yep." I smile.

I call for Cece and we all head in the car, and to the forensics lab.

"What did you get on the victim?" I ask Cece.

"Well according to the detective, her body was discovered a few hours ago. They're taking her in for an autopsy today for more info." She replies. I nod and we make it to the lab.

We enter and immediately see two covered up bodies on long tables. I walk up to them, I slip on a pair of gloves on while the others do the same, and I lift the thin sheet off of the corpses.

"No ligature marks on both victims, just like Hudgens..." I say looking at the first two bodies.

"Why is that so important here? He's clearly a large man, he wouldn't need anything?" Cece questions.

"Men usually like to use tools to detain the victim for sexual pleasure. Its your usual sadist. They like doing these things to their victims because they get off on it. The fact that this 'male' didn't use anything doesn't make sense." Nova looks towards her.

"Guys what if it wasn't a male, but a female?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Females don't usually get off on this. But it is possible. There could be a lot of anger built up enough to overpower her victims. That could also explain why she chose to attack petite women." Nova shrugs.

"Smaller targets are easier to control. Makes sense." Cece adds.

As we finish discussing we decide to go back to the PD to meet up with the rest of the team. I immediately get a uneasy feeling. I never feel this way about a case, but for some reason I do now. It doesn't make sense to me, but I guess I'll have to wait it out.

I hop in the car along with the others and drive back to where we were.


Quick a.n anything info I write on here is based off my basic knowledge about these things and small research.

Some of the info could be incorrect so don't believe everything I put on here :)

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