Chapter 31

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Your POV

Billie has been driving for who knows how long. We were still on the road, it was getting dark, and I was still scared.

I could tell that she was nervous, and she didn't know what to do next. The blank expression she had while staring at the road along with the tapping of her finger into the wheel and her leg bouncing up and down said it all.

Her anxiety was getting the best of her, and I hoped it would be enough for me to flee.

"You okay?" I ask quietly, while slowly turning my head to her way.

"Uh...yeah. I'm fine. Why?" Billie furrows her eyebrows when she turns to me, then quickly back at the direction in front of her.

"I dunno. You just seem a little... tired." I slowly make my way closer to her. I can sense her tense up as I scoot to her side, almost to close. I place my hand on her thigh, and she slowly calms down.

The tapping on the wheel stopped and the constant bouncing of her leg discontinued as I gently rubbed my hand over her thigh.

"What are you-"

"Shushhh" I place my finger on her lips gently, and she stops moving them.

"We should stop somewhere. Like a motel or something. It's getting quite dark. Don't you think?" I lean my head on her shoulder and look up at her focused expression.

She kept silent for a few seconds. I knew she was contemplating this, but it's probably my only way out.

"The car seems too uncomfortable." I move my arm under and around Billie's, and I scoot closer to her if it was even possible. I was enjoying it, but felt disgusted at the same time. I had mixed emotions about this woman, and I didn't know what I could do about it.

"Um...yeah sure. Whatever you need babe." I can see a small smile appear on her face from the corner of my eye, and I knew I had her right where I wanted her.

As Billie kept driving for a few more minutes, I notice a gas station nearby, and next to it was a motel.

"There." I turn to Billie and point my finger towards the small building. She makes a turn and into the motels driveway, and parks in front.

Me and Billie get out of the car and head inside to the front desk. I see a middle aged women staring into her computer screen, she slowly looks up, and stares as we get closer. She seemed like she was terrified of us, but she tried to keep calm somehow, I don't know how or why, but I shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

She gives us that 'what do you want?' look and Billie begins to speak to her.

"How much for a night?" She asks.

"Seventy-five. Cash." She extends her hand as if we had agreed to stay here. I slowly look down and notice something behind Billie. Through her oversized t-shirt, there was something sticking out of her large shorts.

I also saw a hand go behind her and inside the piece of clothing. Then, the object started to peek out.

It was a gun.

Don't use it don't use it.

I look back up, and see Billie pull out a 50 dollar bill along with a 20 and a 5. She hands them to the women and she gives her a key.

"You're in room three D. Have a great night." She hesitantly nods and Billie retrieves the key from her hands, and we walk back out and look for the room.

I sigh in relief when she didn't use it.

Thank god.

Billie looks around the dark area and points to a door ahead of her.

"There." She grabs my hand and pulls me with her to the door. She slowly opens it and we both look around before heading in.

I walked around the small area and there was nothing here. Only a bed, tv, and a small nightstand with a lamp on top of it. Other than that, it was pretty much empty. Oh, and there was a bathroom, but that was also empty. The usual was in there.

"I guess we'll be sleeping in the same bed." Billie says.

"Great..." I say and fake small.

Billie and I then prepare ourselves for the night and I see her stare at me as I try to lay down on the bed.

"You're going to be very uncomfortable in those clothes." She points to my attire. I was in my button up pj's which I didn't mind, but they were a little tight. I was also wearing pants, which were also tight. I mean, I didn't get a chance to change since Billie bashed me in the head while I was sleeping.

"Here." I look up and see Billie remove her large shirt, only to expose her sports bra underneath. I couldn't help but stare at her chest as she tried handing the piece of clothing to me.

"Like what you see?" I slowly get out of my trance and look up, only to see Billie giving me a large smile and winking.

"I-uh...I wasn't-"

"It's okay mamas. Stare all you want." She looks up at me with cute puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but feel content at the way she was acting. I kinda liked it.

Jesus fucking Christ Y/N. You should NOT be like this you idiot.

"Go change." She flicks her hand towards the bathroom and I lightly chuckle, and head in.

I quickly remove my shirt and pants, and slip on the extra extra extra large t-shirt Billie gave me. Her aroma quickly filled the room, and I couldn't help but blush.

I walk out with my clothes in my hands, and I see Billie look at me up and down.

"Woah..." she says.

"What? It's just a very large shirt on me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Right..." she says and quickly turns around to the direction in front of her.

I place my clothes on the nightstand, not having anywhere else to put it, and I lay beside Billie and place the sheets over me.

Billie also makes herself comfortable and we both get situated on the bed.

"Goodnight mamas." I hear Billie's muffled voice.

"Goodnight Bil." I say and shut my eyes. I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around me as I slowly drift off.


Bro tell me why I had a whole dream about Billie and I then we ended up kissing and that shit felt so real bruhhh and after that I woke up and I was so sad bc I didn't want it to end 😭


Also 1000+ words you're welcome 😏😌

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