Chapter 3

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We make it back to the PD and I see the rest of the group waiting.

"So what info did everyone get?" Greg starts.

"We spoke to Olivia's parents and they said she was a good kid. She didn't have any issues with anybody and she did very well in school." Meghan says. Ian chimes in.

"They also said they couldn't think of anybody that would do this to her." Everyone nods.

"Same with Nikita's parents. Good kid, good grades, no enemies."

"I noticed the girls were all petite. We came to the conclusion that the unsub could be a female." I say. The team looks at me like I've gone nuts.

"That doesn't make sense. How?" Calum starts.

"In order to control another female, one must be bigger in size than the other. The unsub only attacks people most likely smaller than her size. All the victims are under five feet, and the marks and bruises on their body aren't very visible, meaning a man couldn't have done this. The bruises would be much more pigmented if the unsub was a male. The victim also wasn't sexually assaulted, which usually occurs when the unsub is a male. Women don't kill for sexual pleasure. She gets off on being the dominant one, which is why she used her bare hands to choke the victim. The arrow in the heart is also too close to an emotional side of the person. Male sadists don't feel remorse or emotional guilt because of what they experienced. However, a female sadist could be the way she is because she's emotionally unstable. The arrow through the heart resembles emotional wounds. Heartbreak maybe. Being hurt because of falling in love." Cece interrupts. (All of this info is probably false so don't believe it. Even though I did do a little bit of research)

"It's time to give out the profile." Greg walks up to the whole group of officers working on the case.

"We believe the unsub is a female. Late teens to early twenties. About 5'1 to 5'5. She's killing petite young teenagers who are studying criminology. She started committing these murders due to being heartbroken by someone she once fell in love with. She's a sadist as well. The emotional hurt she's been through caused her to harm others in order to relieve that stress she's built up, and for pleasure. Thank you." Spencer says. The officers take notes on their pads and walk off.

I see the detective walk up to us.

"We've got a witness."

I see a woman come in. She looked scared and looked around nervously. I head towards her, Calum following.

"Hello, I'm agent Y/L/N and this is agent Montgomery with the FBI. Can I help you?"

"I'm Courtney, Emily's neighbor. I was a witness during Emily's murder..." She stiffens up.

"What can you tell us about the event?" Calum says.

"Well I was out on the porch taking in some fresh air when I saw this figure at the front of the house. I thought it was someone Emily knew. The person looked about her age by the height, and they weren't buff or anything like a man. They were dressed in all black so I couldn't see their face. They had dark hair and I think I saw a hint of bright green at the roots, I'm not sure though. Their clothes were really baggy, almost five sizes too big. They knocked on the door and Emily opened up. She let them in. I didn't think anything of it so I returned back inside. Next thing I know the police are here and she....she's...." Courtney starts to burst into tears. I put my hand on her back and make light circles around, trying to comfort her we best as I can.

"I'm so sorry Courtney. You did great. Thank you." Calum smiles. She nods and walks out, I turn to Calum with a raised eyebrow.

"So the unsub must be a teen. Non-threatening and looks normal."

"I don't get the choice of clothing though." He says.

"Teenagers these days." I playfully roll my eyes.

We then go back to the team and tell them what we've got.

Then again I see the detective walk back to us.

"Another girl has gone missing. eighteen year old Angela Wells."

Greg furrows his eyebrows in annoyance. This person was moving too fast, and it's not good.

"We've got to find her, and quick." Greg pulls out his cellphone and raises it up to his ear.

"Ruth I need you to find everything you can about Angela Wells."

"Right on it sir." She hangs up.

"We should all start where Angela was last seen." I say.

"And where was that?"

"Angela's parents said she was on her lunch break during the abduction. On her school campus." The detective says.

"Send us the address." Greg leaves the PD and the rest of us follow, except Spencer and Ian.

We all get in the black SUV's and head towards the victims school.


I still don't know where I'm going with this book 🤡

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