Chapter 16

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It's now been a couple weeks. I'm back on the team, thank god. I can't imagine a world without being here doing what I enjoy most.

I still continuously receive small messages and voice calls from Billie, but since she hasn't shown signs of being near my home or following me, I've been able to stay in my loft, with agents of course. Greg insisted and didn't want to risk it.

Today was another normal day. I was waking up from a long sleep and I did my daily morning routine. After that, I walk to the kitchen and quickly make myself a small breakfast, and head out with my two agents following behind.

They drive me to the building and I head inside. I take the elevator up and head to my desk, and get ready to work. I finish up some paperwork from a previous case we recently solved. Ruth then comes over with a worried look on her face. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. She hands me and file and calls everyone to the briefing room.

I quickly skim through the pages of the file and it's a murder victim. I then notice the cause of death. An arrow through the heart.


I walk inside the room where the rest of the gang was waiting, and they look at Ruth attentively.

"Here we have nineteen year old Cindy Bale. She was killed in her own home. Beaten, choked, then stabbed in the heart with an arrow." Ruth pulls up pictures of the latest victim and the team turns to me, worry plastered on all of their faces.

"She's back..." Cece starts.

"This is our chance to put an end to this." Ian continues.

"Alright everyone, you know what to do. Y/N, I need to speak with you." Greg says. The team goes into their separate ways and I stay seated, waiting for him to speak.

"You can't work the case. Am I clear?" I give him that look of disappointment, clearly frustrated at his words.

"Yessir." I get up to go to my desk, as Greg interrupts.

"However, you can work alongside Ruth while we're working the case, if you'd like of course." I turn around and see Greg with a sincere smile. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him, he returns the hug, which is a rare thing for the team.

"Thank you so much sir." I break the hug and speed walk into Ruth's small office. I hear Greg chuckle and leave the briefing room, and to the team.

I sit myself with Ruth and she was already typing on her keyboard.

"Alright Don hit me." I hear Nova on the line.

"I don't have anything bad on Cindy. Same victimology as the others from San Diego."

"So she's still sticking onto the same things as before." I hear from Cece on the line.

"Do you guys have anything else on the body other than the usual?" I ask.

"We're actually on our way to check it out. We'll hit you back if we get anything." Nova replies and hangs up.

"Where could this Billie be?" Ruth turns to me, I just shake my head.

"No idea."

"Okay let's think..."

"Check where Cindy goes to school."

"Oh! Right." Ruth clicks the keys on her computer and her eyes grow wide."

"Park University. She's studying criminology."

"Just like the others..." I say.

"Now we know where her new targets will be." I quickly get my phone and dial Greg's number.

"Yes Y/N?" I hear Greg on the line.

"Billie might be getting her new victims at Park University. Who knows when she'll strike again."

"Thanks Y/N." He hangs up. Ruth's phone then rings.

"Can I be of service?" She chuckles.

"It's Nova, they just did an autopsy of the latest victim and she had something lodged into her throat this time. I just sent a picture." Ruth types onto her keyboard and a picture of a piece of paper pops up. I read it carefully, inspecting the evidence.

"If I don't get her soon, more people will die." Ruth reads.

Right on cue, her phone rings again, she pings in whoever was calling into our call with Nova.

"We've got another victim." Spencer says.

"Eighteen year old Lia Parker." Ruth begins to type on her computer.

"She goes to the same university as Cindy." She says.

"Now we know for sure where her next victim will be." Reagan says.

"Y/N, would you like to join us? We'll be at the university." I hear from Greg. A smile quickly appears on my face.

"I'm on my way sir." I jump from the seat and head to the rest of the team.



𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙮𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚 🗡 (𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙀𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now