Chapter I: The encounter

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-Silence! Silence! We're still having a class right here!

-Grab my balls mister!

-You fucking brats! You'll see! I'm damned if I don't call your mothers to perform anal sex so you little beasties can finish the year.

A shooting just occurred in another class room and the students stopped talking a few seconds, then They've restarted this time more quiet. Mister Balls Fucker opened slowly the door to check the casualties. Another teacher was wondering on the hall smocking.

-I'm too fucked right now to care what just happened in my class.

-Keep your damn health Suck Wire!

The two teachers then kiss with their tongues and Balls Fucker gets back in the room to conclude his teaching.

-Now, you irredeemable wet bags as I was saying this is the fucking planet Firstish. It's a like a ring covered with water. There's a few small lands each and there floating the seas and there's a hole in the center almost as deep as you father's anus. Our country Big City is floating in the center of the ring.

-Bright lover!

-Yes, Kick! Spill It out!

-What in the rest of the shit?

-Good question! In fact bad, very bad! You see my dear lover, we manage to stare through the crystals and see that we are in the middle of the galaxy and all the other stars are revolving around us.

-No shit! Exclaimed the whole class.

-I shall be fucked if It's not so! Anyway, seeing this It's clear that we're the motherfuckers of the universe so other life in the shit either doesn't exist or It's inferior to us. Thus we don't waste time looking for It and no one of you must ever care otherwise society will think you're cookoo.

The teacher then lights a cigarette and wonders a while at the window.

-Fuck! I'm bored, you fuck off now!

The students leave the class some of them through the door, others through the windows climbing the trees down from the second floor of the building. Balls Fucker sits and has a shot with a drug and then he masturbates when I'm about to screw his fun. It was a specimen of the humin race about two meters long, robust, green light skin, swarthy hair with tresses and blue eyes. He opens his mouth revealing his dirty fangs. 

-Hi! What's up?

-Eat my poop dude or fuck yourself!

-Balls Fucker! I'm here with an important message, my name is the Shadowman and I...

-Bla! Bla! Bla! Look pal do you have some weed cause I ran out. I tried to purchase from my beasties today but...

-Fool! Mortals like you don't deserve my gift!

He opens a drawer pulling out a gun then starts pointing It towards me.

-You wanna a bullet? I know how I deal with junkies like yourself.

I fade away instantly and He starts looking around freaked out.

-Where are you motherfucker?! It's time to die!

He's saying that while revolving around his desk. I show off and he shoots missing me and falling in his chair. With the second shot the gun explodes and he starts bleeding out of hid face.

-I'm gonna rape your mother! He gets up.

I punch him in the face throwing him back in the chair.

-You got a point looser! He spits out blood.

-Chile out ten seconds and let my hands around your head.

-Sure! Why not pussy! Can you gimme a blowjob too since you wanna touch me?

I grasp his head and initiate the process. It's seemingly painful for him He trembles out with his eyes backwards but soon It's over.

-Now what you think?

-Wow! Am I high? What's going on with my head? What the fuck man?

-You've reached a level of conscience that you would achieve in a society more calm.

-You tricked me! He runs to throw himself out of the window.

-Go ahead! Do It! I will disappear forever and you will spear your world of the menace They've tried to avoid for so long.

He looks back frightened and starts weeping.

-I don't get It dude! It's like my head is churning.

-It's the sentiment of shame and disgust you'll feel much more if you want to live.

I confront him until I was sure that he's not going to do himself and then I disappeared in a shadow. He gets over the incident packs his stuff and goes home.

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