Chapter XXII: Rocking the motherfuckers

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The vortex was terrible so I had to disconnect myself from the senses of Balls. I didn't leave his body cause I wanted to die by all coasts. After a while I woke up experiencing his body like I was born again. It seems that his soul was obliterated and now I live in his body permanently. I fell through the golden canal but the stream pushed me eventually to a water canal. There I though I will get drowned. I escaped after I lost my conscience and woke up in a sewer. I intended to get drowned so I didn't make any effort to save myself but now I'm out. A few rebels accidentally walking by fished me and took care of me. Somebody recognized me and everybody started praising me and calling me a hero. In two hours I had to meet Wise.

-I'm glad you've escaped! How did you do that Balls?

-I was thrown into the Mommy's Pussy and I'm not Balls anymore! Now I'm Shadow!

-A! Yes! I've heard of one that survived this kind of event. Most went nuts and the ones saner lost their memory and changed their personality. In one hundred years none made It through such an anguish. You're a legend now! And I hope you became wiser!

-I'm truly thoughtful now! Thanks for the concern!

-Would you want to rest a little before we discuss the military matters? Maybe having some fun? We can arrange some women for you!

-I thought you weren't keen on prostitution sir! It seems the starving was just a taming method!

-No! Of course not!

-I'm ready for business right now! When are we going to invade the sector A?

-In three days two weeks before the storm season ends! The battle will start at 4 a.m!

-Our men are winning victory after victory in all parts of the country! The rival lords are now signing peace treaties and waiting for the storm season to end and for the new king of sector A to be decided.

-There are only two princes now and their armies are set in the first level. Almost no troops inside the great tower, and he shows the map. We conquer the tower and then keep It as long as possible.

-Why not being more offensive? The map was on a crystal table so I was able to manipulate It and make a hologram.

-How did you do that?

-I'm your secret weapon I have special powers. Now listen! The tower is equipped with cannon supports. You can take the cannons inside the armory and place them on the top. In this way you will have a good range and you'll be able to aim any point you want in the first level.

-How long It will take to place the cannons?

-We can use the platforms and elevators inside the building. Those features of the tower are mostly unknown but I can activate them.

-Good plan! If this succeeds my tribe will propose you to be our leader! We need a supreme ruler to unite all the freedom fighters!

We drew the details of the attack and then I had a private meeting with Wise alone. He continued to revere me and my achievements.

-Sir you'll be a great leader no doubt about that!

-Why don't tell me what you really think? I can't stand cuddly!

-Sir! We can't rely just on one man to maneuver the weapons! If you give your powers to a select few we will have a greater chance of succeeding!

-You want my powers Wise? That this is all about your lust for power?

-Sir! I will happily resign my position, he kneed. Please don't misinterpret my arguments. A single man can't handle alone all that weaponry! For our victory please consider giving your powers to us!

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