Chapter XIV: Serving people

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-I was a poor sticker that tried to make a name for himself. Now there are just a million people living on the top of the skyscraper but back in the day there were twice as much. During my term we had to impose some population control and build some parks in the old parts of the town cause of pollution.

-Why is a landfill here if you are so anti-pollution?

-They will get rid of It when my family will die but let's not ramble! Anyway! I wanted to do something with my life. My father was a dustman like everybody in my family. I had sixty brothers and sisters a mom and a stepmom or let's say my father's other wife. My father was working his butt to be allowed to seek in the trash for food and my mothers were busy making babies that we could eat and not starve. My childhood was awesome however!

-Boy! I'm getting tired so I will deepen her holes if you should mind!

-Save me Pervert! Keep going with the...story! Aw! O! O!

-I had the opportunity in my teens to be friend with a guy that was upper class. He loved to pee on my in front of his girlfriends so he could feel strong but our relationship wasn't limited at that. I always knew what he wanted to hear so he helped me get a job in the government. I became his wingman a serve basically. You need many serves in positions to be respected and promoted in our society.

-I think I found her button! She was acting like I was exorcising her. I just remember why the fuck those sons of whore treated me like that! I can understand in the case of my slave but me?

-They don't know the world outside. They think It is the hell outside and here's the heaven. They don't know about the sectors or the rest of the city and the majority of our leaders share their ignorance more or less. Many think there is only one sector and that the laws of the skyscraper apply everywhere in the universe that is small in their view.

-Continue or I will suffocate your wife with my dick! She likes It!

-I had an important position for a sticker I was the water boy for the hall fifteen of the third parliament.

-What on your wife's orgasm is that?

-There are six parliaments that vote the basic laws: the civil laws, the justice laws, the laws of physics, the laws for the undiscovered planets and races, the laws of the after life and finally the parliament that make laws on how to make or repeal a law.

-How many people work in this shit?

-A parliament has between three and six thousand representatives depending on the importance of It. The biggest is the one with the physics followed by after life, the laws of the laws and the least important is the civil laws. The stuff that works in a parliament now greatly reduced is at least three times the number of representatives back in my days It was ten times.

-How can so many fuckers decide on anything?

-It's simple! They are helped by the bureaucrats that give them themes to make laws on. They even make laws themselves so the representatives can vote laws going against the laws already made by the bureaucrats. And then there are the bureaucrats that analyze what was done and add even more laws to go against the laws voted by the parliament.

-How many shity laws are there?

-Who knows? Sometimes people are caught doing wrong things and make up laws to get away with It. Nobody could possibly check all the laws and maybe his made up law was decided by someone once so is easier to acknowledge his law as legit and respect It.

-You punish people for not respecting this shit?

-All the time! There are trials even for dead or new born or people and for people that are not born yet. Some don't ever get born but the trial still continues for decades.

-Is someone ever punished?

-Yes! There are the courts that protect us from the elite's tyranny. The judges are elected by representatives that decide which case a judge takes when a trial ends and how. Their mission is to fight the representatives and there are three types of courts: for crimes that you did, for thoughts that you have and for crimes that you might do or have done. The most are convicted in the last court where crimes that could happen in the past, present or future but didn't or won't happen are punished. I had a neighbor that was sent to jail for the possibility of killing me. We had a friendly conversation and the judge imagined what could have happened in a different scenario.

-Isn't the mayor the master motherfucker?

-No doubt about It! But the citizens think he is a god in other world and many think he doesn't exist. However! Let's continue with my story. So my job was to pour water in the cups of important people working there like chair warmers, fly hunters and many others. Not representatives that had a different water boy. I was making some money but I owed one hundred twenty percent of my revenue in taxes so I needed to bug and steal to pay the bills coming every day. I couldn't afford to be caught bugging because It was a crime and there were taxes on crimes.

-Hold on! I put her on me. What your fucking slut is that?

-I had to pay taxes every day on my income, on the income I could have in the future, buying, breathing, walking, eating, drinking, seeing, on thinking, that was a big one, and nonetheless on the taxes payed. Some days the tax agents didn't think I thought too much in the last hours so I owed them just as much as I earned.

-Are you still standing bitch?!

-Fortunately the government gave me a low rent in the sewer of the city that I had to pay daily. Can you stop fucking her so hard? She barely breaths now!

-I will probably defile my dick if I bone this broad too much! It's your turn! Tell the story while you give me a blowjob!

-I...wanted I went to the executive work there. They paid better and I would owe just one hundred percent of what I earn no matter what!...It' delicious!...However...I went to the hall of the executive acting like I was an woman and I killed their water girl putting her in a bag and devouring her later. I took her name...So refreshing! However I...was known ever since as Blowjob and they never notice that I changed my race and sex...I had many friends as Blowjob and three husbands but I...divorced them to marry my wife a hair seller.


-She took the hair cut from the elites and sell It back to them to be burn. It was a business where the government bought the hair back because It was considered holy. Here everybody either works for the government or works in the private sector where the government also pays for everything.

-So how did you and your whore I've screwed become somebody?

-We...fuck! It's a good one! I mean...I...Lord! I found an idea how to rig the system in my favor. At the executive branch people were executing the orders coming from above. Those orders...go down the bureaucracy and enter the parliament...there the officials could not repeal the law but...they can make another law going against the worst. So...I snicked into an important office and made a paper saying that Blowjob's new company is chosen to repaint the whole city...O! Lord! Ye!...anyway! I got the job and became rich. After that I served in five parliaments three of them in the same time and also climb the hierarchy of the executive until I was appointed lord and prime lord eventually.

-So It was easy!

-Not quite! I mean not to get that job but the rest was easy. I didn't have to work for the rest of my life after that!

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