Chapter XXIII: Crap

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A normal day at work. I had thirteen years old and I was waiting in the bath for an important man or simply an employee to show up and need a cleaning. At eight a. m I saw the minister of destruction entering the bath drunk and carried by the minister of bribe that was charcoal too. I helped the fat minister sit on the toilet and then I changed his wet pants.

-That was quite a meeting! Don't worry I ordered a chaise It will be here when we leave.

He referred to a chaise pulled by slaves. This was the way the ministers were traveling through the government building. There were usually six slaves forces to run on all fours like animals while a coachman was whipping the hell out of them. Even though there were elevators the important people prefer to travel with those chaises on stairs. If a slave was injured usually It happened on the stairs the coachman would shoot him.

-I'm telling you Rotten Head! This job is killing me!

-Yes! Our job requires us to party all day! It was hard for me last night cause the bribe wasn't that big yesterday so I couldn't afford to go to three clubs like you did!

-That's because as a minister of destruction I make sure that people are too poor to pay for bribe. I simply did my job too well my friend.

-I remember you were in a drinking contest with the grand master last night!

-Yes! After I gave him the taxes I collected to afford entering his club he invited me to drink with him to see whose the strongest drinker. I lost intentionally and then I drunk for sadness.

-It's better this way! If a minister defeats him he would force the winner to die from a substance abuse or be murdered by guards for not paying enough taxes.

-Crap come here!

He called me and I prepared the bucket but he intentionally sicked on my face.

-Our life is hard Graft!

-Tell me about It! I was discussing with Corruption a week ago about new ways we can destroy the lives of more people. He told me that the insects will always find a way to dodge the inevitable long enough to reproduce! In the words of the founding father of our government "The government is fundamentally imperfect! If I was perfect It would annihilate all the life in the world".

-So wise! We can't destroy all the life even though we try! If a few people survive they will reproduce and the insects will grow in number until another government will appear as the nature cure against huminkind.

-The super computer may know the answer! It's said that It knows everything in the universe and that the master invented It.

-Wasn't It invented by the last master? O! Sorry! I can get killed if I say that! Drunkenness what can I do?

-The master is gone for a few days! He went to burn down cities in other sectors. Maybe we can sneak in his chamber and play with the computer. My friend Screwer said he watched funny clips and people naked on It.

-We'll see! Crap I finished!

I come and clean up his ass as my job required. He then put my head into the toilet and pulled the chain. They left and this dreadful experience made me unwantedly remember how I got here. All the slaves I met can't remember how they were subdued as children but I can. I just became seven years old and It was my anniversary. My parents were peaceful merchants living in the first level. It was a sunny day and all my friends were at my party playing with me. There were I think a hundred people as I recall It celebrating me and my family that helped the community so much. Unfortunately things got wrong abrupt when a cloud of dust fell from the sky and a bunch of flying bikes blasted the air. All the people sought refuge including all my friends. I wanted to fallow them but I saw my parents standing still in the middle of the plain. I ran at them scared and in a minute the bikes came back and my father tried to talk with them. He was shot after uttering a few words and his head exploded with drops of blood reaching my face. My mom than said:

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