Chapter XI: Back to hell

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A tunnel opened in front of us and we were swallowed in turning into rays. It was the most intense and magic experience of my life so far. Although It lasted for about a second and we woke up in a big hall with two giant statues holding the ceiling and images graves on the walls. The images depicted beings with long ears, tails and flat fingers like amphibians. They were jumping through trees, rowing in boats or doing stuff in the city. On the ceiling was graved the whole floating city. The two statues had a similar look with the other beings shown on the walls.

-Look! We've enter through this circle!

Burn Ass pointed to a three meters tall circle with a lot of details and a small crystal in the middle.

-Where the fuck are we?

The circle began to shine with It's complicated frame and the crystal threw a laser that made appear a small guy in a black suit with a white collar.

-Might I help you dear friends?

-Yes! You can show us the way to your mother's hole!

-Can you lead us to the bank's office?

-No problem! Are you investors?

-We are the ones that own your ass now, buddy!

The guy clapped and the empty wall in front of us split in two parts that disappeared. The room was soon crowded with armed guards with black armors and glasses. The guards stood by wall and let us pass in the middle to another giant hall with turquoise walls and moving crystal mirrors in the middle. Every mirror had a circle like the one before but all of them had a different model. There were people in suits or guards appearing through a mirror and then fading through other every second making me dizzy.

-The mirror you're looking for will come to you if you think of It. You don't necessary need to know the name of the place you want to go.

-Listen up you prank! If you don't get us to the asshole in charge I will kick your ass!

-I'll be glad to help you! And he laughed.

The little dwarf moved a button on his golden watch and we were instantly teleported into an office as large as a train station with plants, fountains, couches and a window wall revealing the sector. The guy sketched like he was about to sit and a golden chair and table. He then flew to the middle of room on a fountain and we've flown with him on moving silver chairs.

-What type of transaction are you interested in?

-Check this rock dwarf! You'll soon have to hold my balls and they are so heavy you'll suffer from hernia!

A monocle occurred on his eye and after a short glimpse his face turned green and he freaked out.

-That's right! Little bitch! You may take my balls with your jaws now!

-That's incredible! You possess most of our crystals! Can we negotiate about buying them back?

-If you think for a second that I'm not serious about the balls stuff you're damn wrong jerky! I will sit in your chair and you'll suck my balls until I tell you to stop. And no Burn Ass! You won't help him by sucking mine or his organs. I need to feel really horny otherwise the deal is off!

I enjoyed It ten minutes but after the ego rush faded I detested my organs in his shity mouth so I demanded him to cease. Burn Ass was meanwhile busy writing the contract he will have to sign to save his butt. I threatened him if he doesn't sign after he reads I will pull him off and he complied. We were now the owners of the bank in exchange for our crystals. It appears that morons didn't have money to pay anyway because they've paid the mafia in advance.

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