Chapter XIX: Cast a shadow

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I ruled B 2 for three weeks and the shit started to recover. I used my money to buy young slaves to increase their population and I secured the city by blocking the sewer entrances so the rebels won't be able to strike again. One day I got a present from Z 13.

-So the slut still remembers me! I though she has too many dicks to ride! Very well! You shall open the damn box!

The room became darker and the ghosts of Sly Twat, Sucks and Fuckton get out with annoying shouts.

-You womb hazards! Can't a decent man have peace! I've already murdered you! Do I save to chew up your souls to make you fade!

-We will never go away!

-Ye! We are hear to make you suffer for eternity!

I immediately got up and spited away nervously. I took a lighter and burned my bed. I would burn their souls too but if hell's flames can't do that job why should I try. I hear somebody knocking on the door.

-Come here you son of the bitch!

-Master! I was just passing by when I smelled smoke.

-I was just making a fire to burn off the hair from your balls! Why the fuck you attempt to wake me up!

-Sorry your majesty! I thought you were in danger! Where are your guards?

-What do you mean?

-I didn't see any guard on this corridor and It's supposed to be the most shielded. Something is strange.

-Where were you going anyway?

-I returned from my recent mission from the underworld and brought one thousand slaves. I wanted to report to your sons but I couldn't find them so I searched for them.

-Can't you just wait till the morning?

-What's going on? I hear boots outside!

My slave opens the doors and he was attacked by two soldiers with bayonets. He didn't lose his temper and calmly dodged a strike grabbing the bayonet while hitting the motherfucker in the head with spiky boots killing him. Then he avoided strikes from the other and pointed his bayonet in the fucker's forehead making his head spill blood like a barrel spills wine.

-Not bad looser! I thought the only moves you knew were to rub your dick!

The room was in seconds filed with soldiers and Wise was surrounded by bayonets and had to surrender. A jerk hit him in the back of the neck putting him down.

-You pieces of dust shit! I will stick your mothers so hard they will bleed like they were still virgins!

I take my weapons from the corner. I grasped two machine guns in my hands and the third was like a belt and fired when the other two fire. Buttcher and Pisshead showed up to threaten me with a rocket launcher.

-It's time to surrender Balls!

-You are behind this?


-You brain shits! I have you in my range you will die with me now!

-At least Red Dick will survive and rule! He's the leader now! We will revenge our siblings!

-I'm gonna shake his ass as hard as I sticked his mother's once! Get on the ground and prepare to die you crap heads!

-You cannot win this time!

-Who said winning? I will just blow you away with me coward vaginas!

I suddenly feel an ache in my shoulder and then I realize some asshole paralyzed me with poison. I slowly fall like a dying hero. I was thrown in prison with Wise and waited for my horrible execution. The cell was dark with little light coming from a weak bulb on the hall. We were on the wet ground with the legs and hands tied in rusted chains. Among me there was another prisoner dead for I think a week. The whole cell was stinky because of him and the rats were feasting from him alongside some bastard flies that stung me to suck blood.

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