Chapter IV: Fooling around

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I've refused to be a nobody for the rest of my life. Before my transition all I wanted was to eat, drink and fuck until death. Now I don't know what forces me to be more. I left the underworld and I currently hide in the ghettos of the first level. I am definitely not supposed to live here if They catch me I will be executed on the spot. The good part is that I can now get better food in the dumpsters of the restaurants. It's now the evening and I mass around with my new pall between dark walls. There are narrow alleys with tall brick walls in this neighborhood that is unpopulated like a few other parts of the sector. I run to some baskets in the middle of a empty square, grab food in a bag and flee back to the dark alley before anyone sees me.

-You were almost dead look the cops are coming!

Flying bikes dropped suddenly from the sky two meters above the square and then flied away.

-Dick, this guy is lucky He'll be a fine wet bag!

-You're damn right Asshole! He is!

-Now that you hazed me lets eat.

The food was almost fresh, a few days old and a quarter not even touched. I could not enjoy It as much as I would before as if my mind wanted other tastes.

-Dick! I'm gonna mess your mother's corpses if you keep making noises.

-You damn asshole! He starts laughing and spits the food on us.

-Dirty pig!

-Shut up! You pussies I'm having dinner right here get your shit away of my sight.

Asshole couldn't stop the hissing laugh so I hit him in the face with my boot and He starts bleeding and straight away He takes his knife to jump on me. We wrestle a few seconds but we hear steps coming down the path.

-Man! I hope is not another fag coming this way.

Asshole gets his knife with the teeth and goes to check. The path was dark and partially covered in mist. Asshole makes some obscene gestures.

-Son of the bitch we got an old broad coming our way. If you come deep in our hood we check the depth of your hoop.

-Almost poetic Dick.

It was an old thirty's lady. We've messed her and She performed the usual play with running, not too fast, screaming, swearing, threatening and even biting. We had our turn to kick her thirty minutes each and She often demanded faster and deeper while roaring with pleasure. We took advantage of her and then She stood with us until the dawn. We've prepared a fire in a trash can ate a few roasted rats and She got us a bottle of whisky.

-I think I saw you before Naughty.

-Eight months ago?

-Yes! I remember you were the chick with a half moon tattooed on the ass.

-And the ring in the pussy.

-What do you do for living Naughty? I ask getting her from behind.

-I've worked as a journalist nine months ago until I went in a vacation to live like a trash. I went through all the abandoned or unused hoods of the sector. I guess I've fucked with all the homeless of the sector eight hundred people.

-You sure?

-Yep! I got a crystal that counted It.

-Tell me suit hearth! How's the life of spoiled brats like you? I ask while slowly moving my dick through up and down her anus.

-It's awesome! And boring! My mom got me this job since I was seven and worked my way through every single day until my vacation when I reached thirty.

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