Chapter XVII: Slut in charge

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The whore punished me for some reason. She ordered that every citizen of the three levels rapes me. She was the first one to rape me with a big plastic dingle. I think this was a punishment for the date I forced her and a few hookers to stuff spicy pepper in their pussies. It was painful but she loved It though. After the last one finished me I needed a surgery and I felt aches for a couple of days. I met her again soon.

-You dirty vagina! You wanna mess with me?! You wanted avenge?

-No! I meant to prevent you from rebelling! Everybody fucked you so nobody will fallow you against me now! The crown fell on my head when I got up, I never intended to still It! It stuck on my head and everybody has seen me with It and I couldn't destroy the magic of the gods and crown.

-There's no magic you stupid slut!

-Maybe! But now I feel like a different person and I have responsibilities! If you want I can make you the ruler of the first level again!

-I think I'm gonna leave and find a new state to conquer! Nothing ruled by a vagina ever ended well!

-I guess we will have then to say goodbye! I will give you some troops and half the money you earned at the bank! The troops will be mostly slaves though! We have some shortages and can't afford to loose too much!

-I guess this is the end bitch! You won't be my whore any longer! Are you sure a slut like you can reign?

-Every leader is more or less a bitch! I don't worry!

-You were the best cock sucker I ever met! You deserve It a little!

-Thanks! Balls! Take care of yourself!

I had two quarters slaves that I captured during the rebellion and the rest tortures. Wise, the slave that surrendered, showed us passages through which our army can advance under the sectors. I chose sector B 2 where recently the mayor gained back control of the region and was ruling himself the first level. Wise thought It was a great idea too to target that pussy.

-There are sewers connected with the ocean through which we can drive the cars. We have to be careful though, the sea levels constantly rise and drop and some passages can be blocked by water a few minutes. The sewer system is in straight line merging towards the center, sector A.

-Why nobody knows about It?

-The tunnels are hidden! You have to enter It by other tunnels and walk a little through water. You have to know the cycle of the tide otherwise you can be drown there but once we rich the down sewers It will be safer. We have to pass our whole army though the tunnel in about ten minutes until the whole thing is under water for the next hour.

-That's fine!

-Sir! The sector B 2 is the perfect goal! I am personally from there and know the place. I wanted to participate in that rebellion but the circumstances forced me to do otherwise!

-What's the shit you talking about?

-Other rebel group took over the underground and we were forced to flee to letter A where there were fewer groups fighting.

-You'll travel in my car in chains! If you get us in a rebel zone I will blow your brains up!

-Yes sir! I know how to avoid the trails of other organisations. I would be killed by now if I didn't!

-How much It will take us?

-Two days if we are fast and take short breaks!

-The bastards won't know what hit them!

I've never seen Burn Ass again. She changed the royal title from Brainiac to Nymphomaniac and hired a bunch of guards, not hire but purchase more exactly. They were thunder virgins the male equivalent of the fire virgins. She made some reforms. It was prohibited to kill the slaves just for fun, only if they disobey or when they arrive kill a few to install obedience. The slaves in the factories are now working in shifts three days a week they can go to the first level to serve people above and see some light. Even those working in the crystal reactors got protective gear so they can prolong their lives with a few years. But the biggest change was in the ten commandments. She made them more strict. You are now allowed to lie but never to your boss and you also can't steal from your boss. The neighboring countries that already wanted war for the killing of Rough waged war for the pretext that those changes are too radical. They were defeated nonetheless because the whore was too wit and this is what I liked about her in the first place.

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