Chapter XX: Turmoil

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In the morning I'm released from the prison and I'm led by a guard to a fancy room where I take my breakfast.

-Why are you still here you son of the bitch?

-I had an order to oversee you sir!

-You should watch upon the naughty twat of you wife you wet bag! Why is your stiff still here?

The jerk leaves and I can conclude the most important meal quietly. After I was done another asshole appears in my sight.

-Good morning my dear friend! As you can see we were successful and we saved you. Your sons wanted to hang you and prepared the execution since yesterday.

-Perfect! I want them hung. No! I'm gonna hang them myself!

-Unfortunately they already left us!

-Hang them anyway! Now let's go to my office! We have business to do!

-Ha! I didn't get the memo my friend! We are in charge now!

I take him by the collar and the guards reacted immediately.

-Let's not get ahead of ourselves! We need you! Your abilities are unique and we want you to join us!

-I don't need you! I'm going to leave!

-It's no way to run away my friend! You only leave in a coffin.

-Are you threatening me you maggot?

-We are the future! We will take over the city, you can bet on that! There are merely two choices for everybody jump in our boat or get sunk!

I wanted to smash his face off but the Shadow crept on me and gave me his motherfucking advise.

-We can still reach our goals this way!

-Piss off you shit pile shape, I tell him in my mind. I will do It like a king.

-You will be dead! Besides if you achieve what you proposed yourself you will be superior to all the city's king that couldn't destroy It. Take into consideration the bigger picture!

I stare the cuckold in the eyes and he tried to look as innocent as possible but he wouldn't trick even his broad mother. I capitulate eventually and let the pussy breath.

-Ok! I'm going to serve your butt!

-It's not my ass you'll be serving but the ones of our people!

-I won't be fucked by all of you! I'm either a general or you must shoot the heck out of me!

-No! I mean you should serve the people in need! Our revolution is for them, remember this! No one is the master besides the people and I'm their servant that carries out their plan and helps them fulfill their dreams. The people need you to save them!

-Rubbish! I'm not serving slaves! They live for me and I rather be tortured to death than be in the same category with the scum masses!

-It's sad that people like you don't want to change! Nonetheless we want fair future for you too and I hope some of you will change one day! Let's go now and discuss business! We will hang your children although I think your family affairs are too cruel and you bear the responsibility too for their fall!

-Are you done?

-Yes! Let's go to the office!

In the office we were awaited by thirty generals that were the ambassadors of the rebel groups near by. It seems that Wise that took over with their help is cooking something big.

-Just a question you whore children! What the fuck do we want?

-Let me enlight you, our new comrade! We want a better future for the meager! In the places the rebels took over most of them abolished slavery...and created a system of ruling based on elections, accountability and respecting the property of all!

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