Chapter XV: Fair business

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I woke up in my sewer room, stretch a little and feed my rats. In my refrigerator I had left a beer that I managed to steal from a real fridge. I made tunnels in the concrete and hacked people's pantries and fridges. I've learned this trick from my pets. They've shown my the channels and even helped my with digging. Even if the scam doesn't work I think I will have a fine life from now on. I drink my drink and watch the rays of sun coming through my sewer cover on my table. Suddenly I'm disturbed by some dicks trying to open up my cover. I take my hem and wait for them.

-I will pay you in the evening you son of the bitch! How many times I told you I can't pay the rent if I didn't go to work yet?! Don't make me to smash your balls like the last time!

-Asshole! It's me! Your old buddy!

It was Stinks my childhood friend that helped me come to the city.

-What's the matter? I thought you wouldn't walk on this street for poor people!

The city was built so rich people had to walk on some streets and poor people on others.

-I'm here to work at your company! Everybody knows that you won the auction for painting the city!

-Strange! I forgot to set up the company but I will now! What's with all this people?

-They are all my relatives! They need a job too! I wasn't a dick to invite all of them just the closer from one to third degree.

-Nice! First I want all of you in my burrow! Now!


-I'm exercising my authority being mean to people as a boss should be.

-Excellent! You are already a great leader!

They all got inside and some were attacked by my rats. Only the ones that didn't flee were hired.

-Stinks! I want you to kiss my ass!


-And watch while I lick your wife, daughter and mother! Now undress me and your girls!

-What? I slap him.

-Execute! You moron!

Stinks had to lick my hole while I was licking his women. Needless to say that I didn't use to clean my butt but I was worth It for him. I was dirty so I had to force the males from that family to lick me until I was clean and fuck their daughters in the meantime. After that I went to take a bath in the city and have my slaves buying me a costume with a diadem. The rich streets were so clean and bright I've never seen something like this in my life. I slave just arrived drawing the groceries.

-Boss! In which color are we going to paint this city?

-In shit! I want the same color you would see in a toilet after a diarrhea! I want everywhere to look the same. Maybe three shades of shit! Yes! Three shades of ugly crap! You will just watch the city and feel as if It stinks.

-Brilliant sir! You are phenomenal!

-This is so visionary! Said everybody in the salon.

Later I found that people that first hear me and applauded my idea went outside and incited a rebellion but for now they all were smiling and cheering. I went right to the civil parliament were the officials spread the red carpet in front of me, literally.

-Good day you fucking entrepreneur! We're glad to have a heavenly son among us!

-You may kiss my ass!

-Now Genital! He is my relative I'm sure and I helped him take this job!

-No! It's my relative! I'm always related with the important people in this town! He must be my kind!

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