Chapter VIII: Master mind

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I packed my stuff and my slave to go on a flying bus in the second level. The level was a levitating ring built around the skyscraper with lots of tall glassy buildings, amusement parks and regular ones, restaurants, malls and clean air. The way to the ring was on a moving highway that was making circles around the ring and was guarded by the mayor's personal army twice as much as the military forces of the first level about one hundred thousand men. I passed the army that was working and living in seven flying castles above the ring entering one castle where the highway ends and then through the other gate of the castle I landed on the second floor. I got out the bus and my two eunuchs took my bags from the rack. My wife was in one bag and I freed her when we got in a hotel room. After that I ordered my eunuchs to commit suicide to avoid any rumors spreading. They've quickly broke their heads against the bath's wall.

-I like this hotel room! It's incredible! The walls and everything is made of gold and the blanket is crystal water.

-Shut your pussy up! I'm trying to relax now It was an exhausting hour so stop crapping up. I'm gonna call the room service to get rid of the shit from the bath. You stay here while I go wolf some snacks.

-Can you get me something too?

-Ye! I'm gonna recover my edge and reopen your pussy when I come back.

-My mom has given me this name...because It arouses her.

-I know that shit you talking about! My mom liked to suck balls and that is story behind my awesome name.

The hotel had a large restaurant with one hundred tables in a huge hall equipped with a cinema screen, a theater stage, aquarium walls and was sunned by one hundred of flying lanterns above me that could turn up and off with just thoughts. I was addressed by the speaking mask of a god on my table.

-Good evening! I'm the crystal intelligence of this hotel and I salute you lord Balls.

-How the fuck a dick head like you knows that?! You want me to crush your filthy mouth on the floor?

-You cannot defeat or destroy me. I ran this place and I know everything that happens here and beyond.

-Why I wasn't turned in by you assholes? Doesn't my ass rock fool you motherfuckers?

-A machine is never tricked is always seduced. I simply congratulate you for discovering our secrets but we can't quiet grasp how did you do that with a probability of 0,00001%. Regardless here's a treat!

And a levitating griddle travels the hall from the mouth of a statue and lands on my table. It was charged with three levels of different treats: seafood, a fruit salad and meat biscuits, all with chocolate trails and a candle above. I rushed eating and cursing the machine in the same time.

-I ain't hungry anymore but my mouth is...

And a mug rocked into my hand and got filled with beer from nowhere.

-Ne! I prefer wine this time!

And the beer was swallowed by the mug that then turned into a champagne glass soon filled with wine pouring from the bottom.

-You good bastard!

I drunk and then I chuck out the glass that broke but immediately assembled back in the shape and settled on my table. I broke It a few times and turn It in different stuff like a whisky glass, a porcelain tea cup, a miniscule glass for strong drinks, a decorated crystal glass and finally I chosen a horn mug and tequila sprang inside.

-Tell something that I would be interested in!

-The city is full of morons and nobody will catch you.

-What to do to get those shit mouths under my boot?

-Become the main god of the town and then they will kiss your footprints. But despite the worship they will prove themselves unruly and quite frankly they are useless but you can suck this city of cash and piss on the other sectors when you get there.

-Isn't It forbidden you idiot? You want me to die?!

-You can purchase mercenaries, wait until the boss of a more rich sector is shacking and take his place.

-You mean other first level? Man I can have two sectors in my hand. But which sector should I get trash can?

-It's now a revolution in sector B 2. They currently have four bosses fighting each other and the neighbor are looking interested at them but the concern with the rebels in their own districts makes everybody to focus their energy at home.

-What losers! HHH! My former wife's sector. It has common border with sector A and It's at sea, that means It's always flooded with immigrants. You got a point cardboard brain!

-By helping G 4 that recently crushed It's people you gained a lot of respect. Others were too selfish to bother or sent no more than a few hundreds. Even the mighty ruler of sector A praised you for showing solidarity. They will make an exception for you switching sectors.

-Son of the bitch! Great! I want then to have a party but ain't nobody.

-Where are the bloody stuff? Do they want to die by not working their ass for me?

-All of our three hundred stuff members are gone to...

-Hold on! Why you have no customers?

-The hotel's purpose is solely to host the grand master and his friends when he visits the ring once or twice a year. The goodies you got and the drinks were scraps conserved since his annual visit five months ago.

-Where the fuck is the cock to make my dinner?

-He's in line waiting to hook up with Burn Ass. All of our stuff is in line now and there are only fifty left who haven't had action yet.

-I'm gonna shoot you! You jerk! Why the fuck you not told me?

-The futile now to worry! The elevator is blocked and until you get to the eighteen story all of them will finish her.

I torn his head away with a kick and then I took the sly to smash the aquarium creating a flood to be remembered by those troglodytes. The ground floor was covered in water and the lanterns fell and caused an arson. At least the shit digger didn't fix that.

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