Chapter XVI: Scamming a scammer

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After three long days in which I frittered my time and spoiled my dick on those suckers finally I have the chance to meet that dick. He should be damn sure he will die by my sword but I won't haste. I have to find the right opportunity not because I'm afraid of him but I want to humiliate him first and to prove I'm the only god on this fucking turf!

-That's enough! I've spent too much in this booth! Let's go Burn Ass!

-What happened to them? Did you murder them?

-Of course! Killing somebody different of you is so much fun! I wrote unimportant chapter in my family's history by lynching the last stickers! I want their skeletons at my manor and be watchful with them!

-I already got that!

-Now burn this hut! We will make the city another favor!

We entered the mayor's palace after we had a tour through the crowd that was furious and I didn't understand why. On the same way there were two guys that showed up to visit the son of the bitch. The first motherfucker was a heavy armed dude that inspired fear and the second wasn't even noticed. In palace I had to walk alone on a godly hall built by the ancestors of the humin race as I was told. There were cages in the walls of the corridor and I spoted in the dark maybe hundreds if not thousands of skeletons and skulls. At the end It was a giant statue of a three headed dragon made of jade. The hall was forged out of silver and It was split into three glass tunnels. The two losers coming on my way appeared as well.

-You know what is better than filling your mother's holes? Pissing your holes motherfuckers!

-Hey! I'm Tard! Nice to meet you! Said the weirdo. Sorry if I bother you I'm a little nuts in some places!

-I see! You are too worthless for my cursings I'm just gonna fuck you to pieces!

-Enough with the trash talk!

-Who the fuck are you? I'm Rough!

-I've heard of you! You're the demented freak that conquered letter X!

The motherfucker was a famous warrior and general from letter S. He rebelled against his master twenty years ago and started ten years of civil wars and unrest all over the city. He conquered all the sectors in X and massacred all the Y 1. Eventually the letter A sent back up and his reign finally came to naught. We wondered ever since in the letter Z creating panic and even subduing Z 9 for an year.

-I guess we have to present each other, he was trembling.

-Not interested shit! Shut your sewer!

-I'm Sunny Butt! I was...I forgot!

A voice came from above. It was a guy in a lodge with a face in darkness and a huge cape.

-I'm the grand master mayor Fooler! You my friends are about to witness a special moment! In a few moments my dragon will spit out tree gifts! One is reward the rest a punishment!

-Foller! I don't have time for your games! You think I would come unguarded if I didn't have the order of the grand emperor? You know I made a diel with the kings a year ago to fight against the insurrection! Without me nobody can save letter Z from revolution!

-Silence! You fools!

-Fool was only your mother when she vomited you!

-It's a holy moment now! The magic dragons are about to show as the will of the heavens!

-Fooler there is no freaking god or magic bullshit! You know that! We are dirty flesh with no reason of existing and now let's get to business!

-Am not a god than?

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