Chapter V: Fucking criminal

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I woke up a new man I can't wait to get rid of this insufferable garments that suddenly are too dirty and old for me. I don't see the Shadowman and I don't want to see him again, even if It's really me, He's too weird. But I will thank me and spoil myself for the rest of my life, that in the case this shit really works. It might be a scam or me having to get easier with drugs. Dick and Asshole It seems slayed Naughty and put her in a black trash bag.

-Why did you do that? It's now a whore less to fool around It makes no sense!

Dick got to me and pulled my arm.

-Look! Brother! We're that guys, We fight those tyrants.

-We just want to rip off those fuckers and be rich like them.

-Plus you got better chances of surviving with us. We fight alongside people of all the sectors. Join us brother It's show down for the snobs up there!

-Ye! Let's spill blood and burn their flesh!

I wanted first to check if my magic rock works than I could join them because It seems my best option.

-Let me think one one day boys and I'll tell you tomorrow. I think I'll join cause It feels good.

-I think He will betray us Dick!

-No guy! I'll join you!

-Lets chase this traitor and pull out his guts!

I ran than and throw some garbage cans in their way. I've ran to the square and They were reaching me ready to smash me with small swords when They stopped and backed off really quickly. A police squad just arrived making my situation worse.

-Look what we've got! Lets take this junky and execute him in the public square. It's damn clean of blood no traitors since yesterday.

I have to think fucking fast to save my bat. I got It! My last hope.

-May I bribe you?

-Of course! You might bribe me with your mother's ass! And all start laughing.

I rich to him and put the rock near his watch. He checks the screen biggering his eyes not believing what he just saw.

-I give you the same amount if you give me a ride to the city.

-Should we fuck the bug now captain?

-No! Take the wet bag with us, I bet on his mother's fucks this looser has grans.

They've taken me in cuffs chained by the bike and flew me through the sky like a balloon tied to a plane. It was hurtful and when we landed I hit the concrete.

-Take the looser we'll have him hung this afternoon but first let's take all of his money and abuse him a little.

They hit me in the back when I just got up took my rock and they dragged me towards a barn giggling and spiting in my face. Fortunately I have a master plan to pull back my shit.

-I'm an agent of the grand master check the rock.

-How dare you lie fucking cheat! And two kick me in the ribs.

-Boss let's blow his brains! Now!

The captain gives me back the rock and spits in my face. I make It light and change his screen.

-No fucking way! Are you kidding me? This moron is an agent.

-Piece of crap! Now we got to find other motherfucker to kill till evening.

-Better we just fuck around the bar. This shit gave us enough grans to fritter out. The captain puts his foot on me and shoving me on the ground. They leave happily with one spitting in my direction.

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