Chapter XVIII: Extinguish

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We've enrolled in our mission to crack down some weak governments and replace them to show to the world how true motherfuckers kick properly the asses of their people. The way was filled with dangers, the tides and ebbs forced us many times to change our route or to wait hours sometimes on small island of iron that could we swallowed in any minute. During the tide we were attacked twice by marine creatures. First two men that jumped in the water to wash and have fun were stroke by a big fish. One was injured and the second was eaten. The one that survived reached the shore but he needed to amputate his leg to make It so I had to shoot him and from him into the water. The second time an octopus took another of our team and almost got me too. To ease the beasts I ordered my men to throw two of the weakest so they will leave us. It was better this way than wasting precious ammunition. The worst part It was dark as heck. There were some light from above but they were inconsistent fading and appearing or lacking completely when we needed them the most like when we were stuck on islands. We had lighters but I was economical about our power. Unfortunately I had to endure talking with dickheads when we got bored in those hell tunnels.

-I got this medallion from my mother! She told me that this is how she met my father. She was stealing from his house and couldn't resist to stick It into her ass to arouse herself. My father came and made her his slave to pay for her stealing. Although she made me with my uncle, her brother.

-Get to the point blood sucker!

-I stare at this crystal when I'm in trouble thinking about my loved ones and I become stronger.

-Can I fit It in your pussy? Said another asshole.

-We're almost there! Just another kilomiter and we will reach the end of our destination, said Wise lighting the surroundings with his pipe.

-How long It will take that dabster?

-I'm a dabster only when It comes to fixing vaginas. I estimate another ten hours if I'm optimistic. It will take probably twelve or more.

-We frittered already four days why so long this time?

-This sector is closer to sector A and the tunnels change drastically. There is no guarantee even if you are a pro that you will make It. All the hole can get under water.

-How does this bullshit work?

-Who knows? I spent ten years wondering around those places and I simply can't figure It out. We will have to take the cars and sail through the water. Don't worry they can float. We didn't do that so far cause It was too risky but this time we don't have a choice.

-Tell us Wise! Is It true that you left your people faster than a rat?

-Jog on Bottom! I have enough gunpowder to obliterate all the diaper faces like you and still have enough to light my cigar!

-Stop you two! I need both of you to risk your butts for my conquer! If you still have blood running through your pipes you'll need It soon!

-I'm scarred, said a soldier. I was never in combat and I only saw shots when I was playing with my friends taking down my mom's pots.

-Don't worry body! It's not so creepy as your mother's guts! You can pull a shit out of It or you can pull you that is other kind of shit!

-You screwer! And the pussy caught the guy by the neck and strangled him and then the doctor confirmed the other pussy was dead.

-Now you're a man my boy! Said Wise and gave him a joint to chill him out. Don't give a shit! Smoke this and your problems will disappear.

-But my problems won't go away! I will simply ignore them.

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