Chapter VI: Family ties

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I've screwed up at my job. I was becoming too soft for the shit. Ye, It was fun to play darts with foreheads of men and women or to works immigrant children to death but seeing so much blood all the time was kind of boring after a while. I remember when I first cut myself I was four and I cut my dick with a knife to masturbate like my father. I've even fucked my sister that was the same age and my mom thought I hit her cause she got blood on her face. That dirty lier made made me to spend a week tied to the ceiling of our dungeon. The point is, I enjoyed that blood orgy and even eating and drinking while on the ceiling but too much fun spoils the fun after all. I quit the job the next month and I stood other two months in the palace fucking my harem in some sort of arrangement: others do the shity job and I remain boss over their asses.

-Sweet lover! Sweet lover! Said my ten years old secretary with big boots.

-Yes! Lovely Orgasm!

-Your family found you all of them!

-Son of bitch. Those bastards are truly remarkable. How many of the shit eaters do we have?

-All! I think They are eighty they said I don't know I can't count to that number. They are enough to fit in the third living room.

-Ne! Turn them to the first living room I want to see them crowded when They knee before me.

Lovely Orgasm left and I pinched her ass before departing. My relatives kneed and swore allegiance to me, They even offered me their wives and kids to fill my needs. I've made all of them torturers solving their problems forever. Then I had my pedicure made by four eight years old experts while my chair massaged my balls.

-Bigmouth and Large Hole are you there?

-My heavily armed teenage girls came to answer my binge.

-Call Sugar Butt and put her to find out where my sister resides. I didn't see her since I've broken her hole in high school.

I've found that whore still lives in the underground world with some sort of looser and I was intrigued why not hurry to suck the balls of Balls? I took a bike and one hundred guards to come visit her. She lived in an apartment on the wall. It was a door at thirty meters high. You had to climb every day to get food and water but at least It was safe and you got plenty of plants and flowers growing on the wall so you didn't need to get on the ground. I broke their door with a rocket because I was a boss.

-Well! Well! It seems that you require a boss to fill up your holes.

I avoided a bullet shot by a sexy amazon with a leopard shirt.

-I'm the brother of Suck Balls!

-Who? A, ye! You mean Holly Hole. She just transitioned to a man and now He's Holly Hole.

-No kidding?! Well, I guess She got sick of living in my shadow as Suck Balls. Although It's worse now cause I bet my dick is bigger.

-I'm his wife Atomic Boobs and She's the daughter he made when he was an woman, Suit Fuck.

-Hello! Pussy rascal! Now where's my whore?

I got shot in the ass and I fell. Holly Hole came and He wasn't happy that his brother is here so He shot me hopping to aim the head not the ass. Atomic Boobs that I think had a crush on me stop him from murdering me and I was invited to lunch.

-May any retard from this home explain to me why we've invited this stiff instead of chucking It off the cliff?

-His your brother my stingy dear!

-Bullshit! He's the brother of the dead head I was a while ago. Now I'm the man and demand revenge on the foot sucker!

-Stop spilling out crap Suck Balls! Fuck me, Holly Hole! You know shit!

-I'm tired of being raped by you! That's why I became a man so you can't hurt me anymore!

-I can still broke your nose shit bag!

-Listen you motherfuckers! You want me to blow your heads, shut the fuck up! Shouted Atomic Boobs while pointing a gun to my head.

-You know Hole? If you let me fuck your family we're even then, your sexy bitch has huge boobs! I bet she spoiled herself with a surgery.

He take the fork and tries to stab me but I block him just before cutting my eye. Suit Fuck got scared and left my pants off going back to her sit. Outside shootings started.

-What on your mother's ass is happening?

-We're hijacked sir! There are other torturers trying to tear you apart so They be in charge.

-On my mother's vagina! I got to blow them to pieces!

-No! I'm the man in charge now! All my life you've abused and mocked me, now It's time to prove you're the real pussy! My brother told me while charging two machine guns.

The lunch table was blasted out by an explosion occurring at the entrance. My brother ran roaring to the hole and started fucking my enemies. He was soon shot though but manage to pull his shit up and keep fighting.

-Make yourself useful and take care of my servants! I don't want to see a scratch on them!

I take his wife and daughter and we hide in a wardrobe. Before entering I tell them.

-You're my bitches now scratch on the body many on your pussies, now hurry up!

I've shaken the wardrobe for about forty minutes. We even got it down and I had to break the wardrobe with my fist to get us out. I came to the spot of the battlefield. It was quiet and covered with wasted bodies, all my guards and one hundred suckers that came to fuck me. My brother was cleaning his machine guns of blood. He was hollowed by bullets and laughed when he saw me.

-Who's the man now? Pussy?

-You're wife's ass is more masculine than you are asshole! I've tried It, I know!

He laughs and spits blood!

-Balls! Screw you! And he dies.

-Shit! He's gone! And I have to call now a squad to move away those corpses to the morgue to be raped by necrophiliacs.

I take my cuckold brother and throw him off the cliffs and spit to the sea as a homage to his passing. Since he's daughter was still eleven I took her under my wing and found a job for his wife as a hooker at a nicest bawdy house in the region. I went to my home in the evening, eat while hearing my little whores singing and playing instruments and then going into action with a dozen of them. At midnight I woke up. There are three five years old in my bed asleep and I don't want to destroy their beauty sleep. I hit the balcony and start weeping. The Shadowman comes and comforts me explaining that I'm not ill and I cry for my brother's death. Apparently It's nice to cry for other people. I go back to bed proud of myself and eager to party tomorrow with all of my girls.

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