Chapter IX: Heaven's land

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-Up yours bloody slut! My honor is gone to the dogs because of you mindless vagina!

-I'm a shamefaced bitch! I don't deserve to live! She cries out. I should do away with me and spare you of this embarrassment!

-It's not that you shouldn't die in this very moment but your existence is meant to help me accomplish my goals.

-My lord! How may I pursue this task?

-Find out about those suckers that dwell here! Ask the fucking crystal that runs this hotel what we need to know! Get your ass working to redeem yourself! Bitch!

-I'm contrite about the issues I've caused master! I will clean up your name and make you grand master one day.

My troubles with the second floor are due to one man that ruined my life so far. I was raised in a family of degenerates. Assholes that fall from high status to shit. My father was a guardian living with us in a towering castle. One day that moron returned home and announced that he lost his car in a dice game but recovered It by offering instead his family. We were evacuated and spent seven years working for a dick in the first level. Eventually we've got loose by murdering our slave owner and finding refuge in the underworld. I became a teacher for my knowledge and my brother sought desperately to become rich so we can get back and avenge against our father. Probably that bastard still wonders the boulevards of this place, smocking, hooking up and selling his soul to the devil of gambling.

-What'up slut? You know this place yet?

-Mighty penis! Those empty shells are a bit strange and we have to accustom to their way of being. Otherwise the crystal portal won't let us in.

-No big deal!

-You cannot seek vengeance against your father here! No violence, weapons, cursing or any mention about negative things like: pain, suffering, death, offensive or problematic things.

-You want me to die bitch!? How am I supposed to live live? I'm no fish or piece of wood! Never mind I've been waiting for this chance my whole life. I even crafted a special blade for my father's neck when I was thirteen and you dare suggest no pay back?

-It's prohibited! If you have even a thought of wrong doing the crystals will erase your body when passing the entrance.

-Man! Damn me if I don't find a way to slaughter all of this town! My father on the top of them burning on a pillar above the rest of the doomed asses.

-Give up your fantasies for now and let's concentrate on your goal. Only by passing those gates we will get to the skyscraper. Then we dethrone the mayor and will be able to claim the life of anyone including your father.

-Sounds like a great idea! I rather remain in this small sector and see all my enemies destroyed than move to sector B 2. What other freaking rules do those losers have?

-We shall mind our language because they possess a different system of pronouns that we must respect. In no way we could insult or upset anybody. They live without knowing of death, poverty, social unrest, inequality or the fact that they are reigned over by the mayor.

-So those pussy heads are clueless like my bat! Perfect! Are we allowed to rob them?

-In this place even the most grotesque action doesn't transgress the laws as long as It doesn't produce harm in an obvious manner. I'll show you later!

After you pass the forced field the ring unravels Itself as a quiet friendly spot. The air is cleaner, the grass covering all the streets is greener, the glass towers are shinier than anything I ever met. The flowers are bigger, more beautiful and smell better and the people were more handsome and trimmed. The city was a huge park with small rivers, lakes, spinneys but was still an urban region with enormous or modest buildings and terraces everywhere.

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