Chapter XIII: Tea story

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My good slaves crowded all the bad slaves in a hall and separated them into two masses: the ones that surrendered and the ones caught fighting. Among those that surrendered was my other son Sucks that raised up when I entered.

-Dad! Please understand why we fought! You saw how those people are treated...

He was shot in the forehead by myself.

-Shut the fuck up slave! Now! You maggots that surrendered will be sent back to work immediately! Those that were smart ass will be thrown in furnace! No! This is too kind for you! Just work them to death!

-Sir! We need every slave now more than ever...

-Shut your cunt up! You wanna join them?

-Lordy balls! No more slave will come from the sea in this period!

-If I have to I will take a part of the first level and enslave them. You know that I'm the chief torturer too! Take now those bastard out of my sight!

-Sir! There is a man that helped us catch the leaders.

-What happened to the mother fuckers?

-Their location was found and they surrendered but our soldiers were so mad for loosing their pals that they've raped and blown their heads off. They let though the boss of the mafia untouched!

-Bring that son of the bitch to me! And also the king of the fags!

-Here he is! His name is Wise! We betrayed his commander and showed us the entrance to the den!

The individual was a bearded junky with a bald head and a sharp long mustache. He had a patch on the right eye and a scar like a thunderbolt on the other. I couldn't imagine how anyone would trust this guy ever.

-From now on your name is Ball's Bitch! And shave yourself you fucking twat! I'm gonna take a few of you dirt bags and rebuild my army!

-It's a thrilling erection! Master!

The leader of the mafia wasn't a dwarf like the other bugs but was a really fat dude

-What do you eat in general faty faget?

-Excuse me!

-I will excuse only your broad mother after a good fuck! Let's see what he ate!

We got him at the public execution spot and flocked the space with the whole first city plus all the bank and torturers officials. We warmed up with a few executions of rebels using a new devise a big flex machine cutting them slowly and then we got to the big fish. We fit a dynamite in his anus and the piece of shit exploded. It was flesh and blood everywhere plus real shit I think the guy was full. I spoke a few words after the execution.

-You massing with me!? Mother fucker!? And the crowd hurrahed.

I've restored the order saving my society and I never thought I was capable of such an achievement. This is the best fucking day of my life! The very next day I organized a parade of victory and I've seen people on the streets of the first level cheering the army and some of them offered their kids as a tribute for our glorious army. I sent the boys to the factory and added the girls to my harem. Most of the girls were ugly bitches but I was generous and accepted all of them. I even spared my children but they had to attend the parade in chains being dragged by the soldiers as the rest of the rebels that surrendered. I will let them join our army after they had their shaming.

-My most desired johnson! The mayor wants to meet you now!

-Tell him I will defile his hole if he will insist again!

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