Chapter XXI: Mommy's Pussy

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The losers took me and in about of hour I was transported to sector A in a box with little oxygen like any other prisoner. In two hours I was marching through the crowed streets in chains among my forty fellows that survived. The streets were became packed with flowers thrown to the winning army. The prisoners like myself had to walk barefooted on the thorny strains but the worst part was the rain of rocks poured on us. I was hurt severely in all the parts of my body and eleven of my companions died on the spot because of that. He got to the execution site in five minutes otherwise all of us will be dead by stoning. We were undressed and beaten with lashes than we were tethered by crosses. They knew somehow that I was more important than the rest possibly because I had shiny cloths compared with others so they linked me to an X. From the sky a motherfucker dropped on a flying cart with two winged ladies siding him. He was half naked and his small head carried a platinum crown forged in the shape of willow twigs.

-It's the time for executions! Let's have a barbeque!

The mob cheered up hearing that they will eat the pray. They wetted the pillows with oil and put piles of sticks around us. The crosses were in a formation like a domino with a canal filled by oil reaching to all crosses and finishing with mine. The retard only needed to light the end and all the forty crossed will slowly get on fire. They put the dead prisoners on crosses too and even beat them as well.

-As your self elected master for life! The fourth prince of the running kingdom and future ultra grand ultimate master the forever bright and young...

-Piece of shit!

-I claimed victory over the rebels defeated them and secured my throne that is currently warmed for me by my naïve and selfish relatives!

The guy was half the size of the woman around him and the chicks weren't even tall. Plus the filth was stocky and had a goiter with multiple layers. Also he had baldness and a huge nose with warts. More horrible even than his appearance was the fact that our genital organs were cut off to be the meal of the royalty. After loosing my winner It seems like this is the fucking end. I don't regret anything in my whole life!

-I'm gonna sip the blood from their general's dong! It's gross but the victory is delicious!

After tasting the raw penis he lighted the canal and one by one all the rebels died in sorrow screaming and imploring in vain. I saw their crazy eyes and distorted faces fading into the flames and the flesh melting before my eyes. Shadow just came to pay me a visit.

-So! This is how It all ends! Ha! I thought I will destroy this world and rest in peace at last but I shouldn't rely on a mortal!

The disappointment was obvious on his look and the bitterness made my soul experience for the first time in my life mercy. I couldn't become shit if It wasn't for him so I owe him a lot.

-You know pale butt! I can deliver your joke soul!

-How? May I ask?

-Don't make an idiot out of me you're the idiot! Now listen! Enter my body and take over my mind! Disconnect from the grid and live a death inflicted on you by the superior race as you should long ago!

-Surprising! You care about somebody else! Ok! I will disconnect from the computer and enter your limited mind! It was chilling in an unpleasant way and too quick.

-Fuck! Your're so boring! Damn! So many numbers! Let's put an end to this! Come on you dwarfy rat! Show me what you got!

The fire was behind my back when a rain bit hit me. The fire covered me but in a few seconds of agony the drench extinguished me from the top to the bottom. My poor skin looked like I had tattoos removes and I continued to feel the pain on It.

-Why is It raining! Stop the downpour now!

-Master that's impossible!

-I'm a god! Nothing is unobtainable for my power! What?! You say nothing?! I'm gonna dig your mother's tombs! Take this buffoons out of my eyes!

-No master! Please! And he was shot on the spot.

-If I can't burn the heck out of him he will wish he was burned! Throw him to the Mommy's Pussy!

-What's that?

-We're screwed! That is what our race called the soul vortex. There are four holes in sector A where the energy running the city is generated. Those are emotions and thoughts from the whole universe. The canals with this energy were the lights you saw in the sewer. Basically our souls will be torn apart and It will be billions of times more painful than burning on a cross.


The Mommy's Pussy was a mile long pit with shiny golden vortex in It. The view was nice but frightening. I had to walk on some stairs and a batten pushed by suckers with spears. The fat fag was above me on a flying disk enchanted by the prospect. The rain was still falling but was weak now and the sound of It was covered by the roaring sea beneath me.

-This is my sacrifice I deserve as a god! Push him away!

-Hey! Son of the bitch! You're coming with me!

I broke free from the laces holding me and I jumped into the sea and used my power to get his disk to fire him. I snatched his balls away killing the motherfucker for good and he fell on the ground being right away apprehended by his hungry slaves that torn him apart and ate his raw remains. I've crushed his balls into my hand and happily fell into the eternal destruction like a god.

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