Chapter XXIV: Bau

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I was unconscious on the floor for a few minutes and when I woke up Wise was electrifying standing on a throne and revolving around a galaxy hologram. The situation is dire he just activated the full strength of the computer something not even a bliss could do alone. It would require the approval of at least one third of the citizens to enact that kind of action and even then the full power won't be necessary just a half will do away with any threat. This happened because there was none overseeing the computer for a few centuries.

-How were you able to open this program?

He shows me his naked chest with crystal tattoos. It seems he communicated with the super computer and giving him the coding abilities was a real mistake.

-You know who I am don't you?

-Yes! Shadow! I've been waiting for you two decades and I started to wonder if you were real or the computer was messing with me. I lead the revolution in Z 13 and when my plans were forfeited I found you the last descendant of the bliss nation.

-I'm just a shade neither a humin nor a bliss. You better stop this program and restore things to normal! You are way over your head with this new power acquired that can destroy the galaxy!

-The mother computer is strong but I'm not an impressionable child as I used to be when I first met the computer. I see things clearer now and I won't let power corrupt me. Besides you can help me rich my goal of stability on this planet and the universe.

-You're different? Ye sure! Just like your rebels that want freedom! The only freedom they want is the freedom of slaughtering others and not be slaughtered themselves! Humins reigning over the universe will mean more skirmish in the universe not less. If a guy like Balls takes over and there are plenty of humins like him, then he will smash planets and stars for fun. He will pillage all the races that will live more terror than in hell!

-You think I'm so naïve or dull to not know that?! Of course the government of the people is a shame! Of course It's a lie we are different! But I'm not talking about the rebels or other humins! I'm talking about me! I'm the one that saved Balls for a higher purpose and you can't deny that!

-The mother computer is fooling you like It fooled us! Don't let It rule the universe disconnect yourself and be free as you claim you are!

-Freedom comes with power and power comes with freedom and right now I'm more free than ever! Think of all the things we can achieve together I need someone to guide me and restrain my power! That's why I want a superior mind to join me in the system you've already been imprisoned but this time the system will free you and free everybody.

-Just kill me! Alright?! I've suffered enough in this world and I wanted to avenge my people on humins and computers! But you won! Now have a little mercy and finish me!

-Shadow! I've never wanted to kill you or Balls! I never wanted to kill anybody! And now that I have the power to modify the laws of the universe like you shape plasticine death will disappear. None will suffer from pain, disease or lust. This will be the perfect world with no scarcely, sorrow or loss and if somebody wants to die he will die without pain and I want this in the whole universe. Do you want to join me now? I can't rely only on my wisdom or the computer! I need someone capable like you.

-What makes you think I won't destroy your mother and the whole city?

-Ha! This city is the best achievement of your nation and It won't perish like that! Now you sound like Balls! I will let you think about my offer until you decide take a look of what I can do!

The whole room became a hologram of his actions. First the whole city started to look like a crystal rainbow and nobody was dying anymore. The city got up in the middle of the circle and started vibrating. The vibration made the ocean and the land multicolored and the changing didn't stop there. All the stars in the galaxy changed their rotation in the opposite direction like a clock you made going backwards.

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