Chapter 3: Attack on Parallel Worlds

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"Aren't you excited Ashigaru?" Midori asked, an extra hop in her step while arranging her things. Ashigaru nodded gleefully, bringing bags after bags of things. "Yes! Where do you think we'll go?"

Midori placed her backpack to the side and rubbed her chin in thought. "Hm. Maybe the beach would be nice. Or go to an amusement park?" Ashigaru laughed as she plopped on Midori's bed. "So you haven't planned that far yet?"

Midori made a face and stuck out her tongue, Ashigaru mimicked her. "I was so excited to have everyone back that I didn't think ahead, ok?"

Ashigaru nodded, face warming. It was going to be a great day, that's what she knew in her heart. Sure the gang was back, but some quality time together would be for the best, too happy and bursting from happiness she reverted back to her fairy form. Midori caught her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, you haven't changed at all." Midori teased. Ashigaru shook her head. "Neither did you-garu. You stayed the same as always-garu." Midori nodded as she set her back down on the bed. "I may be in my thirties, but my spirit is still fifteen!" Midori laughed as she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "Or maybe it's because I look younger than I actually am....."

"So do Hisako and the others-garu, even me-garu!" Midori raised her eyebrows. "Of course you would. Your rather small or every one of you fairies. At least Bushi is the same height as me."

Ashigaru made a face, her fluffy ears raised in question. "Hey-garu! Bushi's male-garu! Your a giant anyway-garu."

Midori put a hand at her heart dramatically and closed her eyes, "Oh how painful to be reminded I'm the tallest female in the group, trully sad indeed." she cracked open one eye trying to hide a smile. "Even my fairy partner declares my height to be a 'giant' and breaks my heart...."

Ashigaru started to laugh a little. Midori smiled breaking the deep ''sorrow'' she was portraying and checked that all the packing was ready, slinging it across her shoulder. Midori was well-built for any sort of heavy lifting, being an athlete and all. No one would deny that aspect of her.

The doorbell and a rushing of footsteps followed. Midori cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. Surely it was a visitor, but who? Her friends, but they discussed meeting tomorrow, not right now.

After what sounded like a bowling ball Midori opened the door of her old room and went down the stairs, Ashigaru following close behind, already transformed as a human.

"What's going on?" She asked and noticed her dishelved heads of Hisako, Moe, and Bushi.
"Did something happen?" Ashigaru added and all nodded.

After being settled in by Aoi, they told Midori and Ashigaru of what they've seen. After taking a sip from some tea Aoi had made along with the help of Riku, Midori was flabbergasted. "Your saying that man looked exactly like me. Your not sure it wasn't just a opposite-gender doppelgänger?"

"That's what I said!" Moe cried out. "But he's not! We figured-----" she turned to Ashigaru who looked at her feet.

"That man is my master from a different timeline? In a timeline he didn't die, right? That's why I panic.....?"

Bushi nodded. "We won't know until you've seen him." Ashigaru finally looked up, and set the teacup down, that's when Bushi noticed her nails. They were horribly bitten until the raw skin showed. Ashigaru noticed where he was staring and she put her hands on her lap. "Have you warned Ayano and the Queen?"

"Yes. Ayano proposed to split up so we'd spread the news faster. She has the key and is with Sora as we speak." Hisako turned to Midori. "If it's as we think. That means this person is traveling back and forth between worlds, that means other universes and alternate realities might be at stake."

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now