Chapter 4: Past Precure

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They were still falling. Down...down.... None of them had any idea where they were going, their screams from falling at such high altitude filled the air. Jikan-Senshi was no longer with them as their eyes started to moist from how hard gravity was pulling them down. After what felt like an hour, but was actually a minute they all landed on solid ground.

But in a heap of exhausted and traumatized bodies, of course. "Ow....."

Midori cracked open an eye and jumped back. "Sorry, that was your leg wasn't it Ayano?" she said and froze. Wait a second.....
She felt for her extremely long tied up ponytail she always wore as an adult after detransforming, Midori felt nothing, just pure air. She tried not to panic as the others slowly sat up. With delicate fingers she felt around until they made contact with her hair, it was short, chin-length.

Midori realized what had happened but she decided to check just to make sure. She felt around her legs and arms, they felt smaller. Taking a deep breath she finally turned around. Just as she had the others were feeling around their hair, arms, and turning to one another Midori broke the silence.

"We're......young again......."


Midori covered her ears and closed her eyes, not wanting to suffer from ear rape. After a few seconds she removed her hands and opened her eyes. "It's not like we de-age when we become cures for a few minutes, we're actually teens again, fully."

More screams of horror, Midori frowned. "Can all of you stop yelling for every little thing?!" she snapped. "Focus everyone!!"

"How can we focus when we're like fourteen again?!" Ayano cried out.

"Only I'm fourteen Moe, remember? You usually know everything." Moe said, and Ayano flushed. Bushi continually transformed back and forth between fairy and human, believing he had somehow messed up his transformation into making him young.

''Everyone relax!" Midori tried once more and no one paid her any attention. Ashigaru and Sora, were smiling at one another. "Isn't this great?"

Ashigaru nodded. "Yes, my Queen!"

Sora shook her head, smiling as she held up the burnt hand holding the Queen's Key. "I think it's better you call me princess instead."

"Everyone. Everyone.....Everyone!!" Midori snapped out once again. This time Hisako looked up. "You got your wish Midori. A bit off, but a wish is a wish.....But how? I'll have to add this to my studies----"

Midori slapped her cheeks. No one's listening.....We must've used up so much power and energy, the little energy we get as cures for a few minutes since we have a time limit because we're adults now. The since de-aging is not an easy process forour bodies, complied with traveling back in time, we turned back into out pure state. We'll only turn back to normal once we return to our right timeline....

"All right!" Midori stood up, hands on her hips. "Everyone follow me!"

Six pairs of eyes stared back at her. "Where too?" they seemed to chorus. Midori smiled. "I have no idea! But we'll find out soon enough!"

More screams and groans, what Midori called ear rape, until she managed to drag everyone along.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

Meiyui, the princess of Celestial Sky Kingdom, daughter of the Queen of the Sky Kingdom, heir to the throne of the Celestial Sky Kingdom Castle, and princess in waiting---

Scratch all that. Meiyui would rather prefer to be called Meiyui, if only her mother let be called that in front of her friends and subjects. ''A good Queen is one to keep formalities.'' she had been scolded firmly when a palace attendant had called her Meiyui and she had encouraged usage. "What is to seperate the difference between monarchs and commoners if we do not use formalities?"

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now