Chapter 24: Treasure

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"That's right...That's why I have to take it back..." She continued to pant.

"...Because I can't live without Midori." She repeated, now by Ashigaru's side.

"Because...I love Midori!"  She walked forward. "Because I still remember..." Tourmaline Ameythst began to glow bright pink. From her hands appeared plasma blades.

"How she came up to me that we just happened to end up in the same class... one had ever approached me she had just happened to transform into a cure to help me fight!"

This time she glowed bright purple while she broke into a run. "How she vowed to protect me. How she helped  me to to become a Precure even when I she's saved me multiple times..."

This time the Fusion Precure eyed Midori with persistance, the glow fading as her confidence grew.

"How we argued...How we talked...Even if Midori has forgotten. I still do! So does Ayano!! Sora's is preventing Jikan-Senshi from coming!"

Midori batted her eyelashes. "Oh but Hisako and Moe...I remember everything too! How we liked the same manga. How I carried you in the snow until I passed out Moe. Everytime we ate takoyaki. The time we saved the butts of everyone in the city when they tried to ban us. Your vengence on Raven when I died along with Ayano. Nariko and Takumi gave us their life force in order for us to come back. I even saw you otaku collection!''

"But you are not Midori! There's only one Mitsuko Midori in the world!" She bellowed back.
"Even if her memories are taken away, and she's being brainwashed, she's still Mitsuko Midori!" Ashigaru added.

Midori began to attack with her branch hands, the Fusion Precure spun around at rapid speed until she was a blur. Similar to a fidget spinner. Her plasma blades sliced through Midori's quick defenses. Midori slammed her fist at Tourmaline Ameythst with remarkable speed and strength, she quickly punched back until both of their fists slammed together.

"There's no way I'm going to give up..." Tourmaline Ameythst shook her head pushing Midori back, she gritted her teeth. "Give her back! Give to me back the person who's most important to me!"

Midori's face reddened and she gritted her teeth. "SHUT UP!" a bright green glow erupted from her other hand.

From the ground came a deep rumble. It broke, sending the ground upwards. It felt like time had slowed, all Midori could hear was the beating of a heartbeat. She figured it was theirs, Tourmaline Ameythst, along with Ashigaru descended downwards and the heartbeat grew faster. Quicker. Surprised she touched her chest. It was her. Not them.

Then they fell in such a force, Midori felt a shudder go down her spine. Their fusion came undone, Hisako and Moe reverted back to their normal teen selfs. Ashigaru returned to her fairy form. None of them moved. Bushi was kneeling before them in paled shock.

But the heartbeat increased, it wouldn't stop. It pounded in Midori's ears like a drum, tremors began from the tip of her head to her feet. Stop it.
She paled.
Stop it.
Her eyes widened.
Stop it.
She began to shake.
Stop it.
Her eyelids grew moist.
Stop it.
She felt her mouth open.
Don't you dare come out!

And she screamed. She screamed their names with so much pain and anguish, her cries echoed. The emerald in her eyes was returning, along with her tears.

Hisako heard the cry. She sat bold upright. Moe was also on her feet running. Ashigaru slipped on her way to the sobbing figure.

They had one thought in mind.

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now