Chapter 19: I Am Water

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Meiyui followed Reina's footsteps and figure through the unknown of space time. She was determind to be as useful as possible. It wasn't until they reached the darkest and serial of surroundings that Meiyui felt certain she would prove herself.

"We're here." she told Reina as if she didn't figure that out. Reina nodded earnestly, and with a heavy heart, the two walked forward into the unknown. Before them appeared multiple doors, each with a different marking. Some were new, meanwhile others were filthy and worn with age. What was most strange was the fact that all of the doors were suspended in midair. Nothing was holding them in place.

"This must be how Jikan-Senshi travels from timeline to timeline without a key." Reina confirmed and Meiyui nodded. "Most peculiar, but which door should we go through?" Meiyui eyed each door carefully, making sure not to miss a detail in the craftsmanship. She tried not to panic. What if she was in fact useless. She had to pick the right one quickly!

"How about," Meiyui walked to a door to her left shaped with a little temple. "this one!"

She threw open the door and a gust of wind blew in that would have sent her flying if she hadn't held onto the doorknob. She peered inside to see a group of Native Americans staring back at her while they planted crops in suprise. "S-s-s-sorry!!" she spoke against the wind and slammed the door shut. The wind abruptly stopped as soon as the door was closed, and Meiyui slammed her face on the ground.

"Owwww...." was all she said.

"It's the pictures on each door. That's the difference." Reina confirmed for herself, and began to search around the endless supply of doors. Meiyui, embarassed, stood up quickly and brushed herself off. She never did notice her nose was red. All she did was nod her head and search alongside her.

"An image of a knight's suit, a large image of yin and yang, pharoah head, hmmmm.....'' Reina walked along as Meiyui searched. She was getting rather nervous.
I have to be as helpful as possible.

After another attempt involving her almost being sucked into the Mayflower and taken hostage by some nasty pirates, Reina pulled Meiyui back to safety.
"Honestly princess..." Reina sighed and let out a soft groan.

Meiyui hung her head in despair. "It's just,'' she let out a long sigh. "I want to be useful. It's no fun the others get to fight and I have to sit around." Reina let out a small smile before nodding. "I think you gave all your personality traits to Princess Sora."

She looked up. "I could really use some help from my super great grandaughter about now.'' Meiyui stood back up. "She'd knew what to do."
Reina couldn't help but laugh. "You know too. If you'd use everything at your disposal."

Instantly, she remembered the companion she had brought to the trip to prove her worth. Feeling quite silly and dumb, Meiyui took the book out and placed it firmly on the ground. Than she began to pray. "Show us the place where our friends are, Bushido."

She continued to chant until a golden trail filled with sparkles appeared leading to a door in the far back. Reina smiled. " are useful princess!"
Meiyui smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I am..."

Following the golden trail, the two appeared before the door. Unlike the others, it displayed a circle with a green leaf in the middle. Strangely, the door was covered in black colored vines.

"If it weren't quite obvious I'd say this is the place." Reina commented and with the flick of a finger, pushed the door open.

What they saw was...
"Girls!!" Meiyui cried out and rushed to the frozen statues before them. "What has he done to you?"
"It's ok..." Reina tried to calm Meiyui down while looking at their dark and corrider filled surroundings.  "It doesn't look like they've suffered from a deadly spell. But what I'm afraid of is where on earth are we?"

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now