Chapter 20: Take Back the White House | Part I

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The figure that was once Midori turned around, and eyed the one solitary warrior in front of her in silence.

Cure Arrow didn't lose eye contact with her for even a second. She seemed less like a person and more like a android stuck in a mindless state, forcibly being put to work and creating power that protected and benefited her leader. Midori's lifelessness brought tears to Ayano's eyes.

"Look it's our faithful president! She's come to save us all. She'll exterminate the beast!" people noticed Cure Arrow and began cheering and give encouraging whoops.

She felt disgusted. Do you not recognize that as Midori? A legendary cure?! Now that she isn't on your side your going to call her beast?!

Ayano then bit back her words. She had been just like that to Midori, back before she discovered the truth. Who was she to reprimand them, over the same thing she did?

She was still slightly recognizable if one took a closer look. But not by much. Midori wore dark murky robes, just like Jikan-Senshi's.

The robes and ancient markings matched the same murky green eyes she was using to stare back at Ayano. She still wore her very high ponytail, she was still 180 cm tall, but she didn't have her trademark smile. The branch-like hands behind her quivered, desperate to be let loose and wreck havoc. What was most shocking was the fact that Midori's actual hands, not the branches, were bound in chains.

"Midori...those branch-like hands behind your back, were part of the ribbon from your cure form, weren't they?" she spoke to Midori with sadness. "The chains bounded in your hands were you trying to stop yourself from harming anyone with your strength, right?" Ayano edged closer. "The hands behind you is the brainwashing isn't it? Desperately trying to bring ruin because of your relation with Jikan-Senshi..."

Midori barely flinched at her words. Instead, one branch hand extended to the sky and snapped it's fingers. The ground began to tremble and bleak, deformed, and shadow-like monsters appeared. More people screamed and fleed the scene as black monoliths shot up from the ground.

"Do, prepare yourself," Arrow spun a crossbow from hand to hand, before rising it up at Midori. "cause I'm not going to hold back."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

They felt the blood drain out of their faces as the realization hit each and every one of them. Seeing Cure Arrow with Midori on the news didn't help matters one bit.

"Under our noses..."
"It was so obvious..."
"Idiot. Idiot..."

Ai eyed Cure Katana, Cure Honor, and Sanji wearily. Yumie couldn't stop clutching the diary in her arms. "It makes perfect sense..."

"We've got to go!" Sanji cursed himself. "If Jikan-Senshi really is the alternate version of Midori's past life who somehow received powers similar to the Coordinator, there's no telling how much those powers may be affecting her."

Katana was very pale. She could barely stand. "Midori...she"
''She won't." Honor reassured her, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You saw how she could fight it of---"
"But she attacked Hisako and Ashigaru..." Katana snapped.
"We don't know that." Honor persisted and let go of her shoulder.
"You need to be a realist Sora. She could have or couldn't, but now she can." Katana told her. "The past life of Midori was a good-hearted soul who later became the tree that helped guide the Past Precure. This version from another universe is a super power maniac. I would be scared to see Midori have the same abilities."

Honor stepped back. "You're scared of Midori now, are you?"

"That's not what I meant..."
"You just said so." Honor replied sourly. "Midori saved your life countless times, or have you forgotten?"
"I haven't forgotten," Katana looked up at Honor, her voice rising. "but we might have to..."

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now