Chapter 16: Determind Princess

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Did I know it was against the rules? Yes.
Did I think it was foolish? Absolutely.
Did I think it was worth it? Honestly? Yeah, I guess I did.
But I wasn't going to stick around and do nothing while the Coordinator holed herself in her cottage, searching for answers.

These were Meiyui thoughts as she snucked from the palace. She had been waiting for nearly two days with no news of her friends. The Coordinator had only locked herself in her study, searching through her books. Trying to target down anything that could help them defeat Jikan-Senshi. Just like her descendant, Meiyui hated doing nothing just because she was a princess.

She tiptoed and hid every time she heard voices or footsteps. Behind doors, statues of past queens, vases, and even the ocassional chair. She made good progress while making sure to leave everything untouched as much as possible. She would never dare tell her mother the shocking truth: she had been sneaking out for as long as she could stand on two feer and run.

Meiyui made good progress, she looked around to make sure no one was following her before jumping from one of the nearby windows.
She was free.

The warm air felt warm and tickled her skin. Up ahead she saw the familiar cottage and made her way towards it with one goal in mind.

Confront the Coordinator.

Reina was in her study. Suspended in the air were millions of books floating by her side. With a flick of her finger a book descended down towards her and began to turn it's pages at the speed of light. "Nothing here." Reina flicked her hand twice and the book flew away to a large pile on the ground. She quickly summoned another book. Reina repeated this process at least fifty times.

Reina summoned up more books and eyed each one carefully, making sure she didn't miss anything.
She did not notice her guest and continued to increase her pile of useless books at the second.
The Coordinator flinched but still didn't look up even as Meiyui stood beside her.
This time Reina looked up in surprise to see Meiyui before her, finger pointing at the next book in the air. "Princess!"

Meiyui folded her arms and looked Reina directly. "I can't stand doing nothing anymore. I have just as much right to help my friends like you."
The books suspended in the air landed softly in the ground. Reina's face relaxed and she nodded. "Oh, princess..."

"You couldn't find anything, could you?" Meiyui asked and Reina shook her head, she paced around. "Than let me help. Please."

Reina looked up at Meiyui and immediately saw the yearning and desperation in her eyes. It had been almost two days. Almost two days since she last heard of her friends.

Saw them face to face, talked with them. They could be anywhere and doing anything. All it took was negative thinking and anyone could go crazy. Reina thought no news was better than any getting any news at all for the princess, but from the reality that Meiyui was directly demanding to help, she couldn't deny it: she and Reina both needed and wanted any news they could get...and fast.

"Ok." Reina confessed. Meiyui's eyes shone. With a clap of her hands, the pile of books flew back on the shelves and rearranged themselves alphabetically.

"You want to help as much as I do, I know that now. However I haven't got much information on Jikan-Senshi.'' she pouted and rubbed her temples. "We know he's from another timeline where he became evil and has certain ties with Ashigaru-san, but that's about it..."

''And Midori-san!" Meiyui added. "Didn't he state that he was surprised to see himself as Midori?"
Reina nodded. "The cures specifically told us that! Of course why hadn't I remembered sooner?!"

Meiyui couldn't help but grin at her accomplishment. Reina continued. "Of course! Jikan-Senshi has the ability to move through different parallel universes and timelines, correct?" Meiyui nodded. Reina continued, excited to have a new lead on their enemy. "He looks exactly like Midori-san, right princess?"

Again, Meiyui nodded, desperate to hear what Reina discovered. "All parallel universes have alternate versions of ourselves. Similar to the other Chiyori who passed away or Fuu becoming Oshoku. If my thoughts point exactly---"

''The alternate version to Jikan-Senshi, the good one who knew Ashigaru from the future cures' timeline is the past life of Midori! Jikan-Senshi acquired his powers by some strange force and sought revenge over any and all timelines that must carry a good ending. But why?"

Reina was impressed by Meiyui. The princess sure had a knack for solving situations.

"Unless..." Meiyui's eyes widened. ""
The Coordinator placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's probably going to do something to Midori, isn't he?" she finished for her.

Her mouth felt dry. She could barely speak as she processed what came next. "What if he got his powers by accident...What if it's like you Coordinator? Something that's passed down. What if he...possess Midori into becoming him?"

Reina was shocked at Meiyui's theory.
"I've never heard of such a position...But the fact that Jikan-Senshi and Midori alike is not a lie. He will use those powers to the max."
Meiyui tried to find peace in Reina's words but it was nearly impossible due to her theory, but she felt her spirits rise with every passing second.
"Then we have to go! We have to warn them!" she shouted. Reina agreed and stopped pacing, she surveyed her surroundings before coming to a conclusion.

"Yes, I'll go and you----"

Meiyui stared directly at Reina, arms folded. "I will not stay here. I order you to take me with you." From her dress she took out a very familiar book and set it on the table, showing it off to Reina as proof that she was strong enough to go. "The Bushido, our sacred book. I snuck beforehand and took the book while no one was watching."

"Princess..." a small smile appeared on Reina's face, but only for a second as it was replaced by a frown. "Take it with us, we might need it."
She quickly stashed the Bushido back into her dress pocket and followed Reina out the back window. Trying not to smile she stood beside her. Meiyui was not very tall and barely reached Reina's chest, but was glad to be beside her partner and friend. The one and only person who truly knew her. Not as a noble princess her mother wanted her to be, but a childish teen.

"Your really like Princess Sora.'' she added and Meiyui stuck out her tongue, making Reina laugh. "Shall we get going?"


Did I know it was against the rules? Yes.
Did I think it was foolish? Absolutely.
Did I think it was worth it? Honestly? Yeah, I guess I did.

But if it meant helping to save the world from neverending doom along with my friends, it'll all be worthwhile. To be a princess, you have to accept your weaknesses and learn from them, overcoming your fears. Being a princess is not about wearing dresses or being pretty, but instead it's about your heart and your determination to never give up and become a better person. That's the princess I want to be.

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