Chapter 6: The Precure Quartet Key

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Sanji hadn't done much while the others were gone. He had helped the occassional villager with any problem they had, but his thoughts were still clouded with the events from before.

''Thank you, Coordinator!" a group of children had called out.

"It was a pleasure." Sanji replied as he headed back, clutching onto his sceptor for balance. The sceptor was white and similar to a kaleidoscope.

It displayed all the colors of the rainbow along with twleve multicolored gemstones in the exterior handle that matched his long white and rainbow sparkling robes. This sceptor had been passed down from Coordinator to Coordinator which carried all their magic abilities, a gift from the first Queen: Makoto Esme, who in turn, passed down her matching sceptor to her descendants, the most recent being Sora who used it as a weapon whenever she became a cure.

Sanji clenched the sceptor even harder as he pieced everything he discovered and what he knew. I'm part that why my aptitude was so low, that I couldn't cast any spells until later? Why Sora's was so high compared to me? Why I'm the only redhead here?

He was slightly, no....really agitated. Sanji was unsure what to do. He was rather glad that woman had left, but the way she had left made a somewhat hole in his self-consciousness. He hated that selflessness part of himself sometimes.

"What do I do Reina?" he asked the air for advice and clicked his tongue. "Idiot. Like I'd get a reply from the dead...." Sanji passed by more houses, exchanging inportant information with government officials across the world. Luckily, Sora had managed to teach him as many languages as she could in her free time. Sure, she couldn't teach all seven hundred she knew, but enough to get by.

"I should really get to the others. There's a time traveling freak on the loose." Sanji reminded himself after a long while of walking and thinking. "This is my problem, so I won't bring anyone in the middle of this. Even Sora. I don't care if she's the Queen either...."

"I mean your not wrong..." the familiar voice of Reina rang in the air, she only appeared for a second. "Just make the choice your happy with."

Sanji turned around and smiled at the sky. "If you say so.....I guess this is it."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

"So, you spoke with him?'' Hinata asked Reina calmly as he floated about, cross legged. She nodded happily. "Sadly for only a few seconds. It really does get boring watching them from here. I don't know how you all do this...."

"Well, I mean we just try to bend the rules of life a little. Kind of what you did." Nariko replied as she and her Aunt picked at a few flowers sprouting from the cloud-like ground. "Although we went a little too far by bringing back Ayano and Midori, right?"

Takumi flicked his hair to the side with pride. "We won't be able to reincarnate anymore and we're just spirits or souls but it was totally worth it."

"Although a new threat is approaching them...." Reina's lip quivered.

"Have faith in them, Reina-chan." Lillian walked side by side with Tsukuyomi. "They won't give up without a fight."

''Plus they have us with them...." Chiyori, Akemi, Kasumi, and Yamada responded with smiles on their faces. "It may be a different timeline, but we're still the same people as the original timeline. We'll protect them, won't we Fuu?"

Fuu smiled at his older sister, arms crossed. "Yes we will."

"I'm glad that's been all sorted out." Tsukuyomi clapped her hands happily. "Now, shall we join the others and cheer them on?"

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now