Chapter 18: Anger

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Than I heard shouting. The voices were incredibly familiar. But I couldn't stand, much less open my eyes enough to see. Everything hurt, however the burning sensation was gone.

I didn't properly wake up until a few hours later sitting in a chair being overlooked by those I had just insulted not long before. The light was so blinding from where I sat. The chair creaked with every movement I made. I was too tall for the chair, but I didn't focus on that but who was in front of me.

If they had all been intimidated by me before, it was nothing compared to now. They were trying to keep up a strong front, even with their grim expressions. It wasn't until then that I saw two other rooms. To my left was Ashigaru and to my right was Hisako. They laid in beds, being monitored by medical equipment.

They told me Hisako and Midori were injured. And I had held them in my arms. I had attacked them.

I gripped the armrests until my knuckles turned white.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

"Tell me I didn't do that." Midori spoke with a horrified look, her voice broke. ''Both of them are alive, but in a trance." Moe spoke among the silence.
Midori kept shaking her head, unwilling to believe what they were telling her. "And you're telling me I did that to them? That's impossible."

Sora looked at the ground, unwilling to face Midori. "We found you with them. In your arms."

"No." Midori repeated. "I wouldn't! We had that fight, but I would never..."

"Midori. You slammed your fist into a tree. You tried to intimidate us. You tried make us afraid of you." Bushi reminded her, eyes worried. "Your eyes when we arrived. They were one and the same, dark and murky green."

"That's a lie!" Midori bursted out more for herself than for them.

"I'm going to have to ask you to keep your voice down." Sanji told her. Midori eyed him for a few seconds in anger before she finally gave up. She turned to both Hisako and Ashigaru before responding, "They're going to be all right, aren't they? I mean, they aren't...moving. What have I done?" She was ready to burst into tears until Ayano stood by her side. "You need to tell us what happened. At least so we don't come to false conclusions."

Midori looked up, panic in her eyes. "I already told you. I don't remember, any of it. We had that argument with me smashing the tree, I remember walking away, a burning sensation and a lot of anger, Hisako and Ashigaru were by my side. Then nothing."

Ayano eyed the others worriedly, and continued. "It isn't nothing. What else?"

"That's all."

"No it isn't, you have to focus..." Ayano told her softly.
"I am." Midori shut her eyes.
"You have to remember." she nearly pleaded.
"I'm trying." Midori felt sweat beading down her brow.
''Try harder. If you can't remember we have to assume the worst. We'll have to isolate you. We'd have to treat you like a threat. You need to remember something, anything..."

Midori tried. She really did. But all she could think about was the hate, the anger, and burning from the inside out. And she didn't want to remember any of it.
She couldn't even believe her friends were losing faith in her so quickly. Seeing Hisako and Ashigaru by her side, and later finding out she had attacked them was too much.

"I can't! Just because I'm not on your side at the moment makes you fear me...just like Jikan-Senshi!"

Midori bellowed at the group before she felt her temperature and temper rise, she cried out.

"Midori!" Moe, Bushi, and Sora yelled, Sanji held them back. Ayano tried to reach out to her, but Midori simply shook her head, even while she clutched it with her hands "Don't! Get! Close!" The shaking feeling returned and instead of hugging herself like before, Midori held onto the armrests as hard as she could. She could feel the convulsions coming back full force. Starting from her legs, she had very little time before she'd black out. Which is why Midori turned to Sanji and pleaded,

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now