Chapter 15: Escape

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Hisako sat in overly long throne-like chair as servants and maids alike brought in heaps of food. Due to the fact she had slept for an entire day, Hisako ate until she was about to burst.

"My, is our princess hungry!" the blue fairy sitting in the far back replied. Her hair fell to her feet and shaped like a mermaid's tail. Her dress was the color of the sea and as wavy too. She smiled and for a second Hisako swore she saw a tiny goldfish swim around her hair.

Hisako nearly choked, she quickly punched her chest until the fresh chicken dish  and salad finally went down her throat. "Ah, I haven't eaten in a while..." she laughed.
"I can see that." the orange fairy spoke and gingerly picked at her tomatoes. "I'm suprised you can eat so fast considering yesterday you could barely finish a cream pie."

Yesterday? But wasn't yesterday the day when----wait a second, I can't seem to remember anything about yesterday. Haven't I always been with the fairies? Yeah that's where I've always been, because I'm Princess Beauty.

Hisako pushed the thought aside and grinned. "When will the ceremony start?" she asked.

"Soon." said the black fairy with a flick of her hair. "We just have to wait for the guests to arrive."
Hisako pouted. "But we've been waiting for so long! Can't they hurry up?"

"Patience is a virtue princess." the green fairy sipped from her golden goblet. "It'll come sooner then you think." she folded her arms as Hisaako stomped her foot. She wanted the celebration to start as soon as possible, but....

What even is the celebration? Wasn't I trying to---no, I'm here to party! My birthday is being celebrated. Or is it my birthday? Yes it is! Come on Hisak------wait my name is Beauty!

Hisako cocked her head to the side. I wonder why I called myself that? Perhaps a dream, yeah that's right.
The red fairy sitting to her right immediately clinked er goblet with her spoon as she got everyone's attention. "We will begin with the celebration. Princess if you would so care as to stand up?"

Hisako nodded as she stood up and faced all eight fairies. She couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, but the thoughts were soon erased by the sixteen eyes staring back at her.
"Now we shall present our gifts to the fair princess..." the red fairy told the others. "To celebrate her birth."

Birth?! But I' wait....

"Of course." the green fairy replied and set her uneaten food to the side. "Shall I go first?"

Hisako felt uneasy as the green fairy approached. She gave a small smile and pointed a finger at her. "To celebrate the princess' birth I shall give" ----Hisako couldn't stop shivering---- "a very special" -----Hisako stepped back and turned her attention to the door, she felt herself slowly shrink with each passing second---- "gift of..."

"HISAKO!" Ayano called out and took Hisako's hand. Her touch activated her memories and began to reply in her mind. She held onto Ayano's hand and nodded. "I am not Beauty. I'm Izumi Hisako." she smiled.

The fairies' mouth were hanging open, and they're eyes were kind of blank, like they weren't even there. They backed away in unison. After a few seconds they all snapped their knecks and faced them with piercing bloody red eyes. Just like the swallow and the prince.

"Go! Go! Go!" Ayano screamed and Hisako quickly followed out the door and into the unknown.

Midori was snacking with the Merry Men with a few sandwiches she had made after stealing a few ingredients from a few stores. Midori made sure to hand some out to the poorer villagers.

"Thank you Robin Hood!"

Robin Hood? But wasn't I---
"Thank you for your kind services Robin! My family will never be in debt again!" an elderly woman shook Midori's hand so fast as tears came to her eyes. Midori couldn't help but beam. "It's no problem. It's a pleasure..." she gave a quick bow as the elderly lady hurried away.

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