Chapter 17: Afraid

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Midori could feel the anger bubbling inside her before she could even utter a word. It ate at her very being. She could barely remember transforming or lunging. Her anger was too much. It burned.

"Is this a game to you?!" she struck with her spear at Jikan-Senshi. He put up a shield and stopped her from landing a fatal blow. She gritted her teeth and pressed harder onto the shield, beads of sweat falling from her brow and face. "Making us play your games! What are you trying to accomplish?!" Spear's voice broke, with a quick swip the shield broke away. Taking that as an opening, she aimed for a kick.

"Your not ready to face me, just yet." he caught Spear's leg and looked up, amused at her attempt. "Nor are you worthy."

If Spear wasn't already boiling with rage that would have done it. "Worthy? Worthy?!" she quickly shook his hand off and skidded away. "You sicken me!"
Spear felt her heart burning with pure rage, that became her driving force as she screamed and yelled. Without wasting another minute she swung her spear back and forth at rapid speed. Jikan-Senshi perfectly matched her movements, dodging every attempt.

"Hold still!!" Spear bellowed while glowing a murky green. "I'll be sure to rip you to shreds!!"
Jikan-Senshi continued to laugh while Spear's eyes darkened, he ran and stepped to the side and Spear brought her spear downwards. A wicked smile appeared on Spear's eyes when her spear sliced Jikan-Senshi in half. His body floating midair and Spear laughed. It took her a few moments to notice her friends and the color in her eyes faded.

"Everyone let's take him out while we have the chance!" she called. "Quick!"

None of the girls or Sanji moved. Even Ashigaru stayed beside Hisako's shoulder, unmoving at the sight. "Guys?" she whispered.
"See? Your not ready." Jikan-Senshi laughed reattaching himself, standing beside her. "They're not afraid of me, they're afraid of you..."

Spear shook her head. "That can't be right. Everyone we have to take him out while we have the chance! What are doing?!" her voice rose."M-Midori..." Moe's voice broke. "Did...did you see..."

"What?!" Spear snapped and Moe shrunk back. "W-wh-hat...was that?" her voice was so soft that even Ayano, who was next to her, had trouble hearing her.
"What are you talking about?" Spear called out. "We have to attack now!"

Hisako turned to Ayano, both of them were quivering. Sora nodded. "Y-yes! Let's transform!"

Jikan-Senshi laughed. "Too bad. You had your chance and you lost it. I know how much you hate these games Mitsuko Midori. I'll be playing as many until all of you are ready." Jikan-Senshi smiled and with the snap of a finger, their surroundings distorted. "I'm the one who brought you all here. I can certainly kick you out."

"Where are the Past Precure?!" Ayano exclaimed, breaking the tension from before. Jikan-Senshi merely smiled and waved a finger at her. "Poor things. They're statues now..." Ayano furrowed her brows. "He's not lying...I can tell..."

"Of course not." Jikan told them. "Why would I lie over something as simple as that?"

Midori felt her anger about to burst before both Moe and Ayano held her back. She couldn't help but sneer deeply at the creature she was seeing in front of her, Midori didnt consider him a living being.

The ground below them began to rumble below them. Moe and Ayano held onto Midori tightly, but no one felt the fall. They all eyed Jikan with worried and terrified expressions. Only Midori expressed anger.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

"What was that?"

They had all landed at the park, in a shade of overgrown bushes. 'You didn't see that?" Sanji was the first to find his voice and whispered. "Midori-san, your eyes...You didn't look like yourself."

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now