Chapter 7: "Princess"

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Sora had not, what some people called...a good day.

It first began when she had been brought to her ''mother'' who was in fact her great-great-great-great-great-great-great (and many more great) grandmother: Queen Haruka.

"Why are you dirty?!" she hollered. "You've missed your lessons and your dirty. I am very disappointed in you!" she clapped her hands. "Take my precious daughter Meiyui to the baths. She cannot be filthy for the tutor."

"Yes your majesty!" came the unison of female maids. "We'll leave her spotless."

Sora gulped as they took her by the hand. Queen Haruka immediately perked up as she noticed Sora's eyes. "What did you do to your eyes?" she asked. "What kind of abomination is this?"

Sora knew she hadn't truly meant it. She knew back in the day tradition was valued above all else, especially the appearance of the princess, but it still managed to deeply hurt her feelings.. Immediately she came up with an excuse. "The Coordinator was practicing a spell with iris pigmentation and I got in the way. That is why I was late to my lesson, Mother. She told me the spell would wear off by the end of the day, please don't punish her..."

The Queen's gaze softened. "Alright, I understand now. Don't make such a sad face Meiyui...."

Sora nodded slowly, she had been having a bit of a moment there....Something she had just about forgotten came flooding back.

It had been many years ago, she had been celebrating her eighth birthday.

"I am so proud of you. I know you will prepare yourself to be the perfect Royal Queen." Lillian hugged her and smiled. "Happy birthday."

The maids, servants, guards, and her subjects nodded as they cheered. They were out on the castle balcony, waving and smiling to the royal family. Young Sora blushed and curtsied.

"Just look at her hair, her skin." whispered one of the maids.
"I did not think it possible,'' a groomsman whispered back, "but she is becoming even more beautiful than her mother."
"So beautiful,'' said a manservant. "The perfect future Queen."

''Well, except for the eyes. A shame she was born with white.''
Young Sora winced.

"I think her white eyes are even lovelier than her mother's blue eyes." one villager admitted.
"How can you? Every Queen and Princess has black hair and regal blue eyes, It is an asset to inheriting the throne and become Queen!" another protested.

"Listen," a midwife spoke. "the eyes don't matter. Her hair, her nose, those lips, that profile! She is the definition of beauty."
Young Sora turned her face away from the crowd. Was that what they saw in her? A perfect profile? A beauty like her mother? Surely being the Royal Queen meant more than just looking pretty and having the standard blue eyes.

That's what Sora thought as she was quickly undressed, tossed into a a tub, bath by the servants, and draped in a long beautiful blue silk dress. She wore Meiyui's signature croissant buns and stared at her refletion in the window. Sora poked her hair repeatedly, putting her hands on her hips. She twisted and turned, but not before sticking out her tongue at the reflection. The reflection stuck out it's tongue right back at her.

Luckily no one had decided to check the pockets of Sora's own robes, which were folded on Meiyui's bed, to find the Queen's Key inside. That would cause quite a stir, items or people cannot coexist in the same universe, one must cancel the other out. In this case it was Sora's own key. Her samurai bracelet, however disguised itself as a decoration so no one would pay close attention to her arm. She did have a close call with the long scar on that same arm, but she told one of the maids it was just a scratch. (Imagine if they knew it was a scar, oh boy....)

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