Chapter 23: Earth Meets Sky...

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I know its her but she doesn't look much like Midori without a wide smile on her face, emerald green eyes bright, alert. But she hadn't recovered. The light of childhood faded from her eyes. Her warmth vanished, a new kind of coldness and aloofness settled into her bones. The Midori I had known, the only child who approached me back in third grade, who stood by my side always, faded away.

''To that girl with the ponytail and glasses?''
''Oh, you dropped this!'' She held up Hisako's manga and grinned.

''No problem!'' Midori sat in the desk next to hers.
''You like that manga series too?'' Midori whispered.

''I also read it, but online, since I'm pretty broke enough already to go get the printed copy.'' Midori scratched her neck and laughed a little.
''It's nice to meet an otaku in real life.........'' Midori whispered.
Hisako blushed and hid her face with her textbook, her straight hair flying upwards for a few seconds.

Dust settled around the White House as Midori held up her hands in utter delight. There were more screams of terror, and she eagerly raised her hands higher still. People cowered in her sight. For her it felt, comforting...She had no one, no one at all...

She then heard the sound of movement and lowered her hands, a scowl slowly forming in her face. But she didn't have the time, as both Ninja and Arrow threw themselves right at her, knocking her over.

She gasped and looked up, but she couldn't even raise a hand before Katana was upon her. Kicks, punches, and the clanking of swords, Midori pulled back further still, gritting her teeth at each swing.

"You're quick." Midori spoke eyeing the two suspiciously. "No matter."

Ninja quickly made a mad dash towards Midori. She raised her fist and Midori's eyes narrowed. ''Ah...Magga, the Precure of Justice." she held up a hand, an intricated-pattern shield appeared. Ninja punched the shield with all her might to hold it back.

"Better then to save your own life and surrender...or you'll meet the same end as your parents.''

"LIAR!" Ninja felt her face grow hot and she jumped away, landing on the lush ground by Katana's side.

Midori laughed and fired at everything around her. "How touching...I always valued bravery...Your friends, she was brave enough to fight back the hijack for so long.''

"Sanji! Sanji!" Honor had knelt beside him in the chaos. The state he was in scared her. Honor lightly placed him on her lap and very slowly, with a trembling hard, pushed Sanji's ginger hair to the side. Away from his face.

His right eye was swollen and bleeding from the side of his head at an incredible speed. Honor gasped and quickly pulled away, fearing she might hurt Sanji.

"L-l-loo-ks...Like....the r-r-roles....rev-ers-s-sed...." Sanji's voice was so feeble, he tentatively opened his left eye to see her in front of him.

"Oh my gosh! Hang in there!" Honor cried out. Her stomach lurched and her face contorted into fear. She was bathed in cold sweat and couldn't stop shaking.

Jikan-Senshi seemed to have composed himself and hurriedly rubbed the dust off of him. "That was quite unexpected..." he looked in front of him, a sneer forming.
Honor had her back to him as she let go of Sanji and stood up.

"You've," her voice was ice. "harmed my friends,'' every inch of her quivered. "my people,'' she clenched her jaw. ''kidnapped my father,'' her heart began to beat rapidly. "let us in a wild goose chase across timelines," her hands were clenched into fists. "you've taken the Past Precure from us,'' her blood was boiling and sparks began to fly. "You've brainwashed a dear friend of mine,'' fire began to spread around her, consuming her. "now you've injured my partner,'' time seemed to slow as she turned around. "Apologize to Midori! Nobody will accept her? Cutting her off from society? So you'll just destroy everything?"

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now