Chapter 13: Magical Chaos

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"How did I get to stealing food as The Prince of Thieves?" Midori whispered to herself.

As requested by the group the sapphire fairy led them to every character she knew. It was merely another round of sightseeing and asking around. (Yes, more of Ayano's adoration for the fairy tale characters and wondering off.)

"Ayano..." Moe reprimanded as she chatted with a young Alice along the road. Just like the fairy tale, Alice had her traded mark golden locks with a beautiful sky blue dress and a pearly white apron. Alice also wore a matching ribbon on her head, cobalt shoes, and stripped stockings. Her cheeks became rosy every time she spoke with Ayano. Being a blondie herself, Ayano looked quite similar to Alice. Maybe even similar to Goldilocks if she were here...

I just realized how similar Alice and Goldlocks are... Sora thought to herself. I"ll save those theories for another time...

Before they knew it, the gang had been swarmed by different fairy tale characters who marveled at the sight of the newcomers.

A girl not much older then Moe in a bright red hood instantly reached for Moe's hand. She had short brunette hair and green eyes. "Do you need help?"

Moe nodded to the girl who she instantly knew was Red Riding Hood. "Yes please...In fact----"

"Good! Follow me!" Red Riding Hood pulled Moe along into the crowd. She desperately looked to her friends to tell them she had found help when they disappeared from view. "My friends!"

"Don't worry. If they need help they'll get it from my friends!" Red Riding Hood smiled earnestly.
"Your friends?" Moe asked as she breathed a sigh of relief. "Well I guess that's something...Where are we going?"

Red Riding Hood beamed. "To my grandma's to deliver a basket of goodies!!"

Sora felt a hand clasp her shoulder and instantly whipped around to see an old lady holding up a basket of apples.

"Relax dearie...I'm just a humble old lady. I know my way around this place like the back of my head. Come, come!" she pulled Sora closer and she shook her head.
"Thank you, but----"

The old lady shrugged off her reply. "No need to be humble! Your friends will be fine." she eyed Sora up and down. "We all know the way out."

"If you all know then why----" the old lady held up an apple to her lips and silenced her.

"Why don't you follow me and see why?" she asked with a smile as seven little dwarves appeared directly behind her. Each nodding their heads in unison.

Hisako noticed both Sora and Moe were missing from the group. She panicked.
"Moe?! Sora?!" she called, but she couldn't see above the mass of heads and chatter. "Where are you?!"

She took a step backward and tripped over someone's gown and fell. "Ow." she rubbed her head and looked up. Looking down at her were seven fairies all the color of the rainbow. One in the back was dressed in black and had a scowl on her face. She appeared to be the eight fairy, slightly outcasted from the rest.

"Ah, I'm sorry!!" Hisako quickly stood up. "I accidently tripped on your gown."
One of the fairies, dressed in a cluster of roses and matching red hair. She wore her hair in a tight bun and hair-skinned as she waved her hand. "It's all right. No harm done...You say you needed help?"

"How did you kn---" Hisako was cut of by the rose-colored fairy who smiled.
"It's our job to know. After all we're the good fairies..." she pointed to the others besides the black colored fairy. "Don't worry about your friends. They're getting help..."
A sudden shudder went down Hisako's spine. "All.....right..." she backed away. "I'll them..."

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now