Chapter 29: ✰STARS✰

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Queen Yukina looked up, her face glowing. Her eyes following the sudden cracks in the sky. She, King Akira, Ace, and Sanji's mother's faces turned into smiles. as the shadows of girls walked towards them. The shadows cleared and before them appeared Hisako, Midori, Moe, Ayano, Sora, Chiyori, Akemi, Kasumi, Yamada, and Meiyui.

Before they could speak, the ten girls gave a thumbs up and at that moment, they knew....they had won.

Sora rubbed her neck awakwardly. "Sorry for all the trouble it must've been...being short on time..."

Queen Yukina sighed dramatically at the teenage Sora before her, but managed to give her a faint grin. "It's fine, your majesty...."

Ace quickly enveloped his daughter into his arms, Sora let out a laugh as he held on tightly. She turned to Sanji, who was peering awkwardly ar his mother.

Sora, whispered in her father's ear, nodding, he let go of Sora and she walked back to Sanji's side.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" Sanji whispered but Sora shook her head. "I want too."

Sanji's mother immediately saw Sora by Sanji's side and got down on her knees, head touching the floor in a bow.
"For everything I said before...I'm so sorry, your majesty! I-"

She felt Sora's hands clasp her own. "When you see someone without a smile, give them yours...It may be the only one they get that day..."

Sora smiled back at her and Sanji's mother looked up in suprise at her unwavering gesture.


Sora smiled again. "Even now, there are lots of people with negative feelings hanging around. I want to life their spirits, even if it's by just a little. The words you said were because of that, weren't they?"

Sanji's mother eyed her slowly, stopping only when she peered into Sora's white eyes. They were so white, pure, and crystal clear. She wasn't lying...
"Your forgive me?"

Sora lightly let go of her hands, and nodded slowly. "I know you must have been in pain. You were distressed, I also ignored your cries and for that I'm sorry."

Sora helped her up and she quickly stood up alongside Sora, just as quickly she stepped away from her, in her place was Sanji.

None of them spoke. It wasn't until a few seconds of staring that Sanji formed the words, struggling. "You said you would tell me your name..."
Sanji's mother nodded slowly, as if afraid to say the wrong thing. "Yes...My name..." she took a deep breath. "is....Tachibana. Tachibana Sana."

The color drained from Sanji's face at those words, but quickly returned as his face broke into a beam. "What a lovely name....mother."
Sana Tachibana's eyes widened in surprise and shock. Slowly, very carefully, she approached her son. Sanji tried not to flinch as she walked ever closer. Until she had embraced him in her arms.

"I've wanted to hear those words for such a long time..." she whispered in his ear. Sanji was left utterly speechless but hugged her back nonetheless while watching Sora give him a solid thumbs up. He left out a small, jokingly reluctant sigh.

The others watched happily, as Reina, Bushi, and Ashigaru, approached, just as glad. They hadn't notice the last figure directly behind them, surveying them carefully with a twisted smile.

Raven let out a soft laugh, a hand on her hip. She would never admit it to any of them, but she was happy for them as all of the girls and fairies hugged one another.
"Our work here is done..." Raven sighed, feeling Kokoro presence emerge. "It's time..."

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