Chapter 21: Take Back the White House | Part II

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Cure Honor tensed up. She couldn't stop herself. She took out her sceptor and gripped it as hard as she could until her knuckles turned white. "Midori..."

"The only thing we can do now..." Arrow struggled to raise her crossbow in front of her.

"We fight." Katana finished for them. She took out twin katanas and pointed one at Midori, beads of sweat fell from her face.

Midori still stared back at them. Unmoving. The branch-like hands were moving back and forth at rapid speed. All Midori had to do was say the word, and things would get ugly, very fast. But she didn't.

"Come at me" her voice spoke again. "I'll help you."

Arrow's heart broke. She nodded and raised her crossbow in the air. "Thank you."
"The three of us can take her." Arrow told Honor and Katana. "We follow Midori's voice."

Katana and Honor locked hands, they stared at one another. "Of course."

Sanji walked ahead towards the White House. That made Midori move. She extended to attack when she felt the clanking of metal above her, Katana had struck first.

Honor hovered and fired her sceptor at Midori, Katana quickly pulled away.
Midori pulled up another shield, for herself and for the White House. Sanji had been locked out from the shield. She hadn't noticed Arrow directly behind her.

"Fire Ayano..."

She fired.

Midori didn't have time to turn around before the little arrow illuminated her surroundings. Especially her chest.
The glint of something gray-green inside her. Midori closed her eyes and pulled back, nearly blinded by the light. But Arrow had seen it. She had seen what was inside her.

"It's the shard!" Arrow bursted out. Katana stood directly to Midori's right. She saw them too. Honor almost fell out of thin air. She caught herself in time and hovered a few feet off the ground. She was pointing her sceptor at Midori, ready to strike.

"The chest wound from the clone." Katana confirmed for them. She rushed towards Midori. "If we can take it out--" she never finished her sentence. Jikan-Senshi had somehow appeared out of thin air and knocked her to the ground. She gasped for air.

Midori didn't move or even blink. She seemed transfixed by the livid trail of blood that dripped from Moe's lips.

"MOE!" Midori suddenly creamed. For just a moment, her concern for her best friend overpowered the curse. Her emerald green eyes returned, the branch-like hands slowed down, and the shield around the White House disappeared.

"So you've figured it all out." he spoke with malice, turning to Midori who was kneeling beside Katana. Worry painted all over her face as Katana looked up at Midori with blurry eyes. "The curse still isn't strong enough? I remember falling for it quite easily..." Jikan-Senshi then began to chant,

"Despair. You come to me. With your posion and your misury. Oh, death you come to sting. With your posion and your...
m i s e r y."

Midori began to sweat as her mouth opened on it's own. She tried to close it, but her throat and tongue wouldn't listen to her. She could only speak the next few lines of Jikan's chant. "Death. Death. Death. Death. Death surrounds me. Singing to me softly. Let the shadows spring around me. In the dark close your eyes while the vision calls me."

Midori's eyes were bloodshot at what she had just said, she quickly stepped away from Katana, fear all over her face. "I'm do it!" she shook her head and yelled. No one knew who she was talking to.

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now