Chapter 25: Misery

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From the shadows came a creature of the void. From the murkiest waters and loneliest of places appeared a figure dressed in a simple traveling cloak with hair as green as grass. He also wore a helm mask. A being from darkness came into existence.

Nowhere to go, he traveled from place to place, looking as he went towards his nearby surroundings, endlessly, but curious.

A day came when he found a garden of beautiful lush flowers. Slowly he eyed each and every one of it closely.
"I see you noticed the flowers. My garden..." came a soft-spoken voice.

He looked up expectantly to see the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

She had very long, wavy jet black hair that reached her legs. Her bangs were split evenly and combined evenly with her navel length forelocks. She had bright blue eyes, blue as the sky and a pale white and gold long-sleeved dress longer than her feet with a two layer skirt. She wore a shawl around her shoulders, decorated by a gold necklace. On her head, placed evenly, was a shiny golden crown with multicolor gemstones. Tourmaline, amethyst, emerald, topaz, diamond, sapphire, tanzanite, garnet, aquamarine, peridot ruby, and alexandrite adorned her crown.

He was without words. She walked toward him, eagerly and openly. "Are you lost?" she asked.
Not knowing what to say next, he only backed away, entranced. The woman on the other hand was quite surprised at his reaction. "I won't harm you..." she quickly pointed to herself. "My name is Lillian and yours?"

He stopped backing away, removed his mask, and eyed her with sparkling eyes. ""
Lillian nodded helpfully. "Yes."

"...Jikan-Senshi..." was his answer. He was still so moved that it truly was 'love at first sight.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

"Take this!!" yelled an exasperated Cure Serpent as she took down the darkness with her sceptor. "Your not going through!"
She would not stop for a second, as even sweat poured down her brow. Neither did Cure Armor. She would not step away from the doors for even a second.
"We've got to hold on..." she rubbed sweat from her forehead.

From the sky appeared a thin silver line. Cure Armor quickly turned her head to see, fists raised. The line grew larger by the second, until it was overwhelming them.

"Get down!" Armor quickly pulled Serpent by the collar to the ground.
She quickly closed her eyes as the light passed by. The void of darkness they had been fighting for so long, began to evaporate into nothing. Serpent couldn't help but gape at the sight.

"Stay down..." Armor reminded her friend, until they noticed the five figures. One of them with bright violet twintails, Katana, held up a key excitedly. Armor and Serpent glowed and stood up.

"We're finally here..." Honor responded happily. "You don't have to worry about the Dark Rumors anymore. They won't be appearing anytime soon..."
Serpent gave a sly grin. "I see...We need to officially team up for the last time?"

"Yes." Ninja added. "It's the grand finale. We've got to get to the others."

"Of course." Armor cracked her knuckles. "Everyone's waiting. Let's see if you can catch up to your senpai!" she opened one of the many doors and they all crossed through as the final specks of darkness turned to nothingness.

Meanwhile Jikan-Senshi sat up and shook his head rapidly. Touching his face, he noticed a thin stream of blood from his head. "The old geezer did a number on me."
Quickly, he wiped the blood away and walked faster, toward his goal. Things were starting to fall apart, he didn't have much time left.

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now