Chapter 10: Still Here

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Jikan-Senshi smiled.

Conquering timelines and universes was getting easier with each step he took. With all the accessible clocks nothing was out of his reach.

Unbeknowest to the cures he had already taken over many more parallel universes than they could count. He couldn't stop laughing while monitoring the many clock mirrors he had at his disposal.

He stared at one screen with delight. In the to his left was the image of a grinning, puppet Akemi ready to strike. The girl ended up being useful at last. That give him an idea. With a sly smile that would frighten even the monsters he had summoned, an idea came into his head. Cocking his head, one of the other clocks in the top corner was Cure Honor using her key to travel to the others. It wouldn't be long before she'd make it to the others, the glow from the key confirmed it.

But Jikan-Senshi had an idea. One he knew that would snap one of his hostages to the point of insanity.

Quickly he stood up, the idea continuing to blossom inside his head only grew. In the back corner was his old and worn clock. His secret weapon. Jikan-Senshi held it in his hands, the clock continuing tick showing time, hiding it's secret inside. The idea would prove useful.

And that idea was in fact....

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──

Sanji was waiting. He disliked waiting, but he never told anyone that. Or the fact he would much rather be in on the action instead of waiting....

"Gosh darn it Sora...." he muttered under his breath.

The sun was not going to last much longer in the sky, Sanji tried not to worry. It was extremely hard not too.....

It wasn't until a shadow of a figure approached him, he recognized the figure. "So you got the letter, I hope." he added.

She nodded, this time wearing her hood. "Now you wish to speak to me?" she replied curtly.

"There was something I needed to say." he had a sudden urge to scratch the back of his neck, he ignored it and continued. "I know I was incredibly rude and for that I apologize. However I can not permit you to sprout such nonsense at random."

Her eyes widened. Sanji had actually felt bad for what he said, but he still kept his distance. Her heart swelled. "Of course. I shall properly apologize to the Queen." she wanted to bring out his good side.

"Neither am I going with you. This is my home." Sanji blurted the last part out. He ignored the reddening in his cheeks, he had said....home. With a deep cough he brought the attention to the matter at hand.

"You're claiming to be my mother? Please explain." She nodded and placed a hand on her heart. "I will. But I fear you'll be quite skeptical."

Sanji held back a sudden urge to yawn, "I'll listen. That's a start isn't it?"

Eyeing him like a hawk, she began, slowly at first but began to steady her resolve.

''I, like any ordinary human being....lived on Earth my entire life. Back then, as you know, there were many people of this world who often traveled down to Earth. Your father was one of many. At the time I was a student studying abroad at a local college in America when he and others arrived. Me, being the person I was at the time, immediately helped them out as they revealed to me the many secrets of the world they knew. I really wanted to see this world of his and became friends. It wasn't until later....." she noticed Sanji's frown.

She quickly coughed. "It had been only a few years later until I realize I was in debt after marrying your father and expecting you. I should have waited....Even with both of us working it was not enough, especially with a child on the way. I didn't want to give my child the life of a homeless. After a lot of convincing and waiting we decided to put you up for adoption. I hoped it would be for the best. The last time I saw you was when your father took you away." she wiped a tear. "It was the worst choice I made in all my life. I realized your father never came back. Something was wrong....That's when I realized he had taken you to somewhere I could never find you. That's when I regretted my decision." Sanji narrowed his eyebrows.

Timeline Crisis?! Working with the Past Cures?! We'll fight Again and Again!! #3Where stories live. Discover now