Chapter One

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        Years passed and Callum grew into a beautiful little boy with bright blue eyes. The boy was everything to Dean once Sam left for college.

Now the young boy was five and was being forced to sit in his father's car, a 1967 Chevrolet Impala whilst Dean went to talk to someone, though he refused to say who.

Callum was sat in the backseat, holding tightly onto a stuffed fox named Cosmo that his grandfather, John Winchester, had given him for his first birthday. Peering out the window he saw his father and another man, who looked pretty familiar, walking towards the Impala.

As Dean reached the car, he opened the backdoor, letting the five year old out.

"Daddy!" The boy beamed, placing Cosmo on the seats before climbing out, clinging to Dean's leg.

"Hey, buddy." Dean chuckled, lifting the boy up. "You remember Uncle Sammy, right?"

Callum turned to the tall man, giving him a gentle smile that Sam returned. Dean placed the young boy onto the ground so he could follow.

"Woah, you've grown since I last saw you, Cal." Sam told him.

"Yeah!" Callum nodded. "Daddy said that soon I'll be the same height as him!"

"He's right." Sam chuckled. "Maybe you'll even be taller than me."

Callum gave him a huge grin before yawning, causing Dean to pick him up again and place him in the backseat of the Impala.

"You better get some rest, bud." Dean told him. "Don't want you to be grumpy tomorrow."

"Will Uncle Sammy be coming with us?" Callum asked.

"Not sure yet, kiddo." Dean said. "Just get some rest, all right?"

"Ok." Callum nodded as Dean buckled the boys seatbelt before closing the car door.

"He looks like you." Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, meaning he's handsome." Dean joked.

        By the time Callum awoke, it was morning and Dean wasn't in the car. They were parked outside of a gas station, Sam sat in the front passengers seat.

"Where are we?" Callum asked Sam.

"We're heading to Jericho." Sam told him, looking up from the box he was looking through. "Dean's just getting gas."

"I remember you leaving." Callum said. "Where did you go?"

"I went to college." Sam explained. "I'm gonna become a lawyer."

"What's a lawyer?" Sam chuckled before beginning to explain as they waited on Dean returning. Sam couldn't help but smile at the young boys bright blue eyes watching him as he spoke.

Dean approached the Impala, a few snacks in hand as he looked over at his son and brother.

"Hey, you want breakfast?" He asked them.

"Yes, please!" Callum grinned.

"No, thanks." Sam said at the same time.

Dean threw a bag of chips towards Callum, who managed to catch it and open it, beginning to eat.

"So, how'd you pay for that stuff?" Sam asked. "You and Dad still running credit-card scams?"

"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball game." Dean said as he put the gas pump back. "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards."

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