Chapter Twenty-Two

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        After being unable to sleep, Callum decided to sit with his Grandfather who was listening to a radio at a table in the small motel room.

"So, you still getting your dad to read to you every night?" John asked the young boy in a quiet voice, making sure he wouldn't wake Sam and Dean.

"Yeah, but sometimes he forgets so I read myself." The boy said. "If I don't know what something means or how to pronounce it, I write it down to ask Daddy and Uncle Sammy the next day. But I usually don't have to. I had to ask what Acromantula meant, but Daddy told me it was something that was made up."

"And what is an Acromantula?" John questioned, enjoying hearing the boy talk.

"A giant spider that can grow up to fifteen feet in length." Callum explained. "They're extremely venomous and can speak like us. I was terrified of spiders for a while after reading about them, but I realised they weren't real after Uncle Sammy sat me down and told me."

John chuckled at the boy. He hadn't realised how bad he'd been as a father until Sam left for college, so he aimed to be a great grandfather.

"Unit twenty-two let me confirm." Came a woman's voice from the radio. "Mile marker forty-one, abandoned car. You need a workup?"

"Copy that." A man replied. "Possible two-oh-seven. Better get forensics out here."

John stood up, grabbing his jacket before speaking, "Sam, Dean, let's go."

Sam sat up whilst Dean rubbed his eyes. The latter then realised something was messing and looked at the other side of the bed frantically searching for Callum.

"I'm here." Callum said from his chair, raising his hand slightly. As Dean calmed, Callum hopped off of his seat to grab his shoes.

"Picked up a police call." John explained to his sons.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"A couple called nine-one-one, found a body in the street." John told them, pulling his jacket on. "Cops got there everyone was missing. It's the vampires."

"How do you know?" Sam questioned.

"Just follow me, ok?" John told the men. He looked at Callum, motioning for him to follow as the boy pulled on his jacket.

The two left the room, the younger making sure to grab Cosmo before leaving.

        Callum sat on the hood of the Impala with Dean in front him him. Sam was sat right on the edge of the hood as he watched the young boy play on his DS.

"I don't see why we couldn't have gone over with him." Sam muttered, referring to John, who'd gone to talk to the police without them.

"Oh, don't tell me it's already starting again." Dean said.

"What's starting?" Sam asked as Dean turned to his father, who'd just reached the small group.

"What have you got?" Dean asked his father, ignoring Sam's question.

"It was them all right." John stated. "Looks like they're heading west. We'll have to double back to get around that detour."

"How can you be so sure?" Sam questioned as Dean reached over to Callum, who seemed to know what was about to happen.

"Sam..." Dean warned his brother.

"I just wanna know we're going in the right direction." Sam snapped.

"We are." John assured him.

"How do you know?" Sam continued.

"I found this." John said, handing something to his oldest son. Dean held it up to show Callum and Sam what looked to be a fang.

"It's a.... a vampire fang." Dean said in awe.

"Not fangs, teeth." John corrected. "The second set descends when they attack." He turned to Sam. "Any more questions?"

Sam responded by looking away, staying silent.

"All right, let's get out of here, we're losing daylight." John told them.

Dean picked up Callum as John headed to his own truck. As Dean buckled Callum into the back of the Impala, John turned to him.

"Hey, Dean, why don't you touch up your car before you get rust?" The man suggested. "I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it."

A few minutes later, they were following behind John's truck, Sam driving as Dean read.

"'Vampires nest in groups of eight to ten. Smaller packs are sent to hunt for food. Victims are taken to the nest where the pack keeps them alive, bleeding them for days or weeks.'" Dean read aloud. "I wonder if that's what happened to that 911 couple."

"That's probably what Dad's thinking." Sam said grumpily. "Of course, it would be nice if he just told us what he thinks."

"So it is starting." Dean said.


"Sam, we've been looking for Dad all year. Now we're not with him for more than a couple of hours and there's static already?"

Sam scoffed, "No. Look, I'm happy he's ok, all right? And I'm happy that we're all working together again."

"Well good." Dean said.

But of course, Sam couldn't help but add one more thing, "It's just the way he treats us, like we're children."

"Oh, God." Dean groaned.

"He barks orders at us Dean, he expects us to follow 'em without question." Sam told his brother. "He keeps us on some crap need-to-know deal. And I'm honestly surprised that he treats Callum well because he certainly treats him better than he did with us."

"He does what he does for a reason." Dean argued as Callum sat, ready to cover his ears if things got to loud.

"What reason?" Sam asked.

"Our job!" Dean said loudly. "There's no time to argue, there's no margin for error, all right? That's just the way the old man runs things."

"Yeah, well, maybe that worked when we were kids but not anymore, all right." Sam said. "Not after everything you and I have been through, Dean. I mean, are you telling me you're cool with just falling into line, and letting him run the whole show?"

Callum held his hands over his ears, not being able to listen anymore.

"If that's what it takes." Dean replied before turning to Callum, who also had his eyes shut tightly. "Cal, hey, it's all right." He gently brushed a hand through the young boys hair.

A/N - I've recasted Aarin because I though that Dylan O'Brien suited him better.

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