Chapter Sixteen

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        Callum woke up at ten past seven in the morning, immediately waking up his father. They were in yet another motel room, but this day was different than any other.

"Daddy!" Callum shouted, shaking his dad awake, his voice having awoken Sam up already. "It's my birthday!"

Dean's eyes opened, looking at the boys excited eyes. As soon as he saw them, he knew nothing was wrong. He sat up, yawning before pulling Callum into his arms.

"How the hell are you six already, kiddo?" Dean asked him once the boy had wriggled out of his grasp. "Seems like yesterday that you were just a baby keeping me up all night."

The boy giggled, jumping to his feet and rushing to Sam's bed.

"Uncle Sammy! I'm six!" He exclaimed.

"I heard, Cal." Sam grinned, sitting up. It made the two men happy to see Callum so happy.

As if on cue, Dean's phone went off, the man getting up and heading over to his bag. He searched for a moment before pulling his phone out, immediately answering.

"Hello?" Dean said, unsure of who it was calling.

"Dean, it's me." The voice responded. It was his father, John. All Dean hoped was that he wasn't sending them another case.

"Dad? You got something for us to do?" Dean questioned.

"No, wouldn't do that on a day like today." John assured him. "Can you give the phone to the little man?"

"But-" Dean stopped himself. "Sure." He looked to Callum, who was eagerly awaiting on Dean saying something about his birthday. "Cal, come over here. Grandpa wants to talk to you."

Callum's eyes lit up at the word 'grandpa' and he rushed over. Dean handed the phone to the boy, who held it to his ear.

"Hi, Grandpa!" The boy grinned, even although he knew the man couldn't see him. "Do you remember what today is?" He was bouncing on his feet in excitement.

"How could I forget my favourite grandsons birthday?" John said. "What are you now? Four... five?"

"I'm six!" Callum shouted.

"Oh, yeah. How could I have forgotten?" John chuckled. He hadn't really forgotten, he just knew that'd get the now six year old to smile. "You been good for your dad?"

"Yeah!" Callum said. "I made a friend named Aarin! I get to see him when I go to Uncle Bobby's! He's one of my best friends along with Daddy and Uncle Sammy."

"Maybe I'll get to meet him one day." John said. "Now, I gotta go now. Be good for your dad, all right?"

"I will, don't worry." The six year old assured him. "See you soon?"

"Yeah, of course, kiddo." John said, and Callum could imagine him smiling wherever he was. "Bye, Callum."

"Bye, Grandpa!" Callum said before handing the phone back to his dad.

Sam was sat in his bed, wondering how Callum seemed to get along so well with John Winchester. Sam had never had a relationship like that with his father, yet it seemed to happen for Callum so easily.

But he didn't really hold it against the boy. There was no one in the world that could even look at Callum the wrong way without feeling guilty.

        For his presents, Callum ended up getting a Nintendo DS from his dad and a book of fairy tales from Sam. Bobby had told them he'd gotten him something, but would give it to them the next time they saw each other.

They even got a call from Sebastian, Natasha and Kiar before they had even went for breakfast.

Callum, of course, got to choose where they went for breakfast. And he chose a small diner in the middle of town that was said to have the best pie in town, something Dean was absolutely proud of. It seemed that he'd passed the pie loving gene onto the young boy.

So the three Winchester's sat in a booth at the far back corner of the diner, Callum sat next to Dean with Sam across from them.

Callum had his blue birthday boy badge pinned to his favourite Harry Potter shirt, and rightfully he was talking about the movies whilst he held Cosmo close.

"I really like the broomsticks from the movies." Callum explained to Sam, who was listening closely. The boys eyes widened for a moment before he turned to Dean. "Daddy, can I get-"

"No, you're most definitely not getting a broomstick. Ever." Dean told him. The boy looked down, sad that he was denied a broomstick. "But, you can get anything you want from the menu as long as you're not allergic to it."

"Daddy, I don't have any allergies." Callum reminded him as Sam stifled a laugh.

"Then that's good." Dean said as the waitress walked over.

"Good morning, have you decided what you're having today?" She asked, a small smile on her face.

"Uh, we're actually still waiting on someone." Sam told her, making sure Dean didn't say a word to the beautiful woman. "We'll call you over when he's here or if he cancels."

"All right." She said, but before she could leave, her eyes landed on Callum's badge. "Happy birthday. How old are you today?"

"Six!" He said, holding up six of his fingers.

"Woah, you're so grown up." She joked. "You'll be my age soon." She turned to Dean before making a joke, "I heard people born on April Fools Day are very mischievous. Good luck."

"He's definitely that." Dean chuckled, brushing Callum's hair from his eyes. The waitress smiled before walking away, and Callum looked at Dean.

"Who else is coming?" He asked.

"You'll see soon, kiddo." Dean told him.

"So, what house would you say Dean's in, Cal?" Sam asked the young boy.

"I'd say he's a Gryffindor." Callum said instantly. "And like I said last time, you're definitely a Ravenclaw. Uncle Bobby also seems like a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor. Maybe he's a mix between both."

Dean looked over at the entrance to the diner as a familiar face entered. Aarin.

The angel made his way over as soon as he saw them, Callum's face lighting up as he reached the table. It made Dean smile to see Callum so happy.

"Hey, Cal." Aarin beamed as he slid into the seat next to Sam. "Heard you're six, now."

"Yeah, I am!" Callum nodded.

"And it looks like you've grown a lot since January." Aarin chuckled. "Guess you were right when you said you'd be as tall as Sam soon."

"Of course I was right." The boy grinned.

"So, how've you been, dude?" Aarin asked him.

"Good. We've done some pretty cool stuff." Callum explained. "There was the reaper that was being control by this woman, a racist monster truck and a guy with telekinetic abilities. It was so cool!"

"The reaper wasn't too cool, Callum." Dean told him before looking at Aarin. "It tried to kill him, but we stopped Sue Ann just in time."

"So, you guys hungry?" Aarin asked, a smile on his face.

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