Chapter Four

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        As they pulled up outside of the forest, Callum couldn't help but feel nervous. Dean climbed out of the car, lifting the small boy out before placing him on the ground.

"You guys got room for three more?" Dean asked as the three Winchester's walked over, Callum kicking a rock away every few steps.

"Wait, you want to come with us?" Haley questioned.

"Who are these guys?" An older man, Roy, asked, a shotgun in his hands.

"Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue." Haley said as Sam walked passed everyone.

"You're rangers?" Roy asked.

"That's right." Dean nodded.

"And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley questioned. "And a four year old with you?"

"One, I don't do shorts, and two, he's five." Dean told her, walking passed her as Callum grabbed his hand.

"What, you think this is funny?" Roy asked, anger in his voice. "It's dangerous back country out there. Her brother might be hurt."

"Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be." Dean told him. "We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all."

        They'd been hiking through the woods for what seemed like forever. Callum ended up on Sam's shoulders when the boys legs began to ache.

Dean had offered, but Callum wanted Sam because he was taller. Plus, the boy was slightly mad at Dean, who hadn't let him bring Cosmo with him, in fear of losing the toy.

"Roy, you said you did a little hunting." Dean said.

"Yeah, more than a little." Roy replied.

"Uh-huh." Dean nodded. "What kind of furry critters do you hunt?"

"Mostly buck, sometimes bear." Roy said as Dean walked passed him.

"Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?" Dean asked, causing Roy to grab him. "Whatcha doing, Roy?"

He watched as Roy grabbed a stick, poking the ground causing a bear trap to spring closed. Callum's eyes widened as he rested his head on top of Sam's.

"You should watch where you're stepping." Roy told him. "Ranger."

Roy continued on as Dean turned to Sam, who lifted Callum down and handing him to Dean. Only seconds after they began walking, Haley joined him.

"You didn't pack any provisions." She told him. "You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers. So, who the hell are you?"

Ben walked passed them, Sam doing the same after Dean nodded at him.

"Sam and I are brothers, Caz here is my son." Dean explained. "We're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat."

"Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?" Haley asked.

"I'm telling you now." Dean told her. "'sides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman.... ever. So we okay?"

There was a moment of silence before Haley responded, "Yeah, ok."

"And what do you mean I didn't pack provisions?" Dean asked, taking a large back of peanut M&Ms from his jacket with his spare hand, letting Callum take a handful.

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