Chapter Five

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        Dean sat with Callum in a small booth inside a diner in Iowa, the young boy eating a cheeseburger. Dean had told Sam about the call he'd gotten, and the younger man had told him that he should let Sebastian meet Callum.

Callum, of course, hadn't been told about the true reason they were at this diner. All he knew was that they were spending time together.

"Can we watch Harry Potter when we get back to the motel?" Callum asked, his mouth full.

"As long as you don't keep talking with your mouth full." Dean chuckled. The young boy finished his cheeseburger quickly so he could talk.

Callum was about to talk when Dean saw two familiar faces walking into the diner, along with one unfamiliar one. Two men, one slightly shorter than the other, and a woman.

Dean recognised the taller man to be Sebastian Allen with his bright blue eyes and curly brown hair, though he now had a beard. He also recognised the woman, Natasha Allen, with her shoulder length black hair.

The other man, who Dean didn't recognise, had short dark brown, nearly black, hair, and blue eyes.

Sebastian's eyes landed on Dean, and he led his sister and friend over. Dean glanced at Callum to see if the boy had noticed the strangers, but he hadn't. He was too busy with Cosmo.

"Dean Winchester." Sebastian said as he reached the table. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

"Sebastian." Dean said as Callum slid towards him, slightly wary about the strangers. Dean looked towards the small boy, who had grabbed his arm. "It's all right, kiddo. These are some old friends of mind."

At that, Callum relaxed a little, still holding on Dean's arm.

"This is Sebastian Allen." He said, pointing to the taller man. "And this is Natasha Allen." He pointed to Natasha before looking at the other man. "I don't think I've met you before."

"Kiar MacNally." The man said in an Irish accent. Callum began giggling slightly at the sound of his voice, making the man smile.

"You can sit down if you want." Dean told the three. Natasha sat down next to Callum whilst Sebastian and Kiar sat across from them.

"So, what's your name, little man?" Kiar asked the small boy.

"Callum." The small boy said. "Your voice is funny."

"Yep. Seb said the exact same thing when I met him." Kiar chuckled.

"I did not!" Sebastian exclaimed.

"Yes, you did, Sebastian." Natasha chuckled.

"So, what've you been doing since I saw you last?" Dean asked them.

"Hunting." Sebastian said simply. "Found a case in Lake Manitoc. Heading out tonight."

"How about Sammy and I take care of it?" Dean offered. "Give you some time with Caz."

"That's an all right idea." Natasha said.

"Can you talk again?" Callum asked Kiar innocently.

"All right." Kiar smiled. "Who's this little guy?" He nodded to Cosmo.

"This is Cosmo. He's my pet fox!" The boy grinned as Dean's phone began ringing. "He likes burgers and hot cocoa like me!"

"Can you guys watch him while I take this?" Dean asked, holding up his phone.

"Sure." Natasha nodded, standing up and helping Callum off of the seats to let Dean out. Once the man was out, she helped Callum back up before sitting down next to him.

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