🍁| Chapter - Four |🍁

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One week later, naina is doing work day and night to grab the project with Mr.arora she isn't even getting time to talk with anyone only Hello...Bye nothing else she didn't talked much with sameer as well, he didn't complained as he know how much hardwork is she doing to get this project...and finally the next morning as usual everyone were doing work in their respective computer, when She come with a sullen face informing sadly - Mr.arora have cancelled the project...he don't want to work with us!! All were deeply shocked as how can that man deny her to give the project she have worked madly for, this can't be happen and they were proved right as suddenly she started to laugh, making all of them furious...Lagta hai mam ko bada hi zyada shock lag gaya hai!! One of the employee said in sympathy for her and sameer glared him, he shut his mouth and naina announced with a unfading smile - i am fine don't worry it was just ki aap sabka yun dara hua muh dekh kar i just can't able to stop my laugh...glad to tell you all that Mr.arora have given us their project along with promising to work with us forward, i am so so so so happy

Really, wow congratulations mam! every employees wished her in pride smile...and sameer silently stared his lady love smiling wholeheartedly after ages, he wanted to congratulate her but not here...in alone where he could say his heart feelings, being the employee of her office and a good friend too was making him so proud on her, she haven't only grabbed this deal but his heart also...her dedication towards her work always left him speechless

One by one everyone get back to their work and when naina was going to enter in her cabin, a soft but rough hand grab her arm turning her back gentl she wasn't shock because she knew it was he...Sameer, he give a light but soothing smile saying - Mubarak ho tumhe naina mashallah aise hi aage bhi bahut kuch achieve karna hai tumhe!!

Aap hi ke badolat sab kuch mumkin hua hai janab ❤ Her enticing smile turn on him and he gulped hardly, she is looking at him like he is a piece of cake and there she was falling for his innocence more...He asked out of curiosity - woh kaise mohatarma?

She grab his collar tightly pulling him down and he was aghast with her sudden movement and that too when they're not alone but surrounded with many people around them...His words came out as pleading - naina yeh kya kar...
She shush him with her seductive eye staring into his scared one and lifting up her high heels she whispered huskily - woh aise because you're my lucky mascot

For a moment her soft cheek brushed with his hard one and he gasped, she could feel the heating of his skin melting her to she intentionally touched her nose close to his ear as if trying to awake his romantic side which she shouldn't try to do...as if once he'll be turn on than no one can stop him, the condition of his heart is getting poor with her closeness...he can't resist his hand to not feel the softness of her bare arm, and then caressing her milky face...they look so delicate and smooth that he can't stop himself to admire them, her long cascading hairs smells like a freshly grew rose...god knows how do she manage to clean bowled him in her simple look too

She left him and switched back
to her professional bossy character - Mr.khan from tonight we'll be working on the project after 9 or 10:00 pm...don't worry you may go to your house now but don't forget to come on the exact time...i don't want you to be late a minute also!

He was amazed as how easily she normalized herself after giving him accidental kiss and commanded to be not late, she is so punctual about timing he nodded assuring to be on time and she opened the heavy glassy door of her cabin stepping inside his hand automatically went on his ear and than to his cheek and they were pink out of shyness He is blushing...o god, he was still lost in her beauty when sense someone presence near him, He turned and saw kabir holding the bouquet and gift in his hand...he gazed him with no emotion forming on his face and sameer asked in softly - you have came here to meet naina mam right...??

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