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Qi Cheng saw Wu Yuan in his bed when he woke up in the morning.

Wu Yuan's face was bluish-violet and purple, and there were serious blue marks on her eyes. When she closed her eyes, she was still angry, as if she could open her eyes and do a big job at any time.

The brow bone is pressed, and the pressure is heavy.

Qi Cheng blinked and looked up at the window. Under the shade of the curtains, he could see that the sky outside was already slightly shining. He found the phone at the head of the bed and glanced at the time, only to realize that it was six in the morning.

I should get up and go to school now, but the bed is soft and sleepy.

Qi Cheng took a cell phone directly to Wu Yuan's face and snapped it to Teacher Yang. He wrote the words "Take care of the patient, ask for leave" and passed on to sleep again.

Wu Yuan was stimulated by the flashlight, frowning into the quilt, scolding and falling asleep.

When Wu Yuan woke up again, Qi Chengzheng comfortably played the phone on the pillow and glanced in his direction. "Woke up?"

The person who was beaten to the faint last night hadn't recovered yet, Wu Yuan was clutching When the head was made, the quilt slid to the waist and abdomen. He glanced at him, "You took off the clothes on my body?" There was

a wound on his head, the meaning of the smoke was unclear, and the opening was like looking for something. In fact, Wu Yuan was just embarrassed.

Sarkozy to turn off the phone, asked, "do not put you off what?"

Wu Yuan that he also knows how dirty one, brow pressed, does not speak a long while before asking, "I phone?"

"In the On the coffee table next to the sofa, "Qi Cheng lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts. He looked very casual and comfortable. This would raise his eyebrows and look at Wu Yuan. "Just beside you, no I think you climbed the bed in the middle of the night."

Wu Yuan whispered, "Fuck."

Qi Cheng came out of the bedroom door to give Wu Yuan space to dress.

Wu Yuan sat on the bed with his upper body naked. After only a minute, he recovered and got out of bed. Except for one of his underwear, he didn't even see the trace of his clothes. "Hey."

He walked to the door and puckered. Putting his hair and eyebrows stiff and hair stiff, "Do you have any clothes to wear?"

Qi Cheng's voice came from the bathroom. "In the closet, you are free."

There are three closets in the bedroom lined up on the wall, Wu Yuan casually Open one. In this closet, there are suits next to each other. Some clothes haven't even taken off the labels. He snorted, "The rich." After

finally finding a casual clothes to put on Qi Cheng has finished washing, smoking on the sofa.

His smoking posture is particularly beautiful, his fingers are clean, and his face is slightly tilted, and the sun outside illuminates the living room, making him shine in the bright light.

Wu Yuan leaned against the wall and looked at him.

Qi Cheng noticed his sight and smiled at him with his head

turned sideways . "There are disposable toiletries in the bathroom." Wu Yuan turned into the bathroom again.

When his face was stained with water, Qi Cheng's cigarette was almost at the end. Wu Yuan wiped his face cleanly, squinted, and sat next to him. He also smoked a cigarette from the cigarette case.

Without seeing the lighter, he simply moved closer together and lit the smoke in his mouth with a half-cut of his mouth.

Qi Cheng snorted at him and smiled.

After getting the mobile phone, it was found that it was already half past eight. Wu Yuan didn't care about his absenteeism, but the person around him was obviously a good student. "Aren't you going to class?"

"Taking leave," Qi Cheng, "hungry, what do you want to eat? "

Wu Yuan ordered a take-out with her mobile phone and swallowed the clouds, "I paid the bill, thank you last night."

The person with the lower eyebrows is naturally cruel, and Wu Yuan's facial features are cold and hard, showing that the young man turns to the mature one, which will flatten out with the cigarette tail, is talking to Qi Cheng. He played his part and cancelled it.

The takeaway arrived half an hour later. After the two had finished their meal, Wu Yuan planned to change into his clothes and leave.

Qi Cheng threw the clothes directly in the washing machine last night, and he let Wu Yuan take it by himself. Wu Yuan's eyes were weird, and he didn't seem to expect that he had washed his clothes. When he pulled out his clothes, the whole person froze in front of the washing machine.

A lot of money in his trouser pocket was also washed by the regiment in the washing machine.

"..." Qi Cheng, a rare and diligent person, paused and apologized. "Sorry."

Wu Yuanyin glanced at him with a stern expression, and he swallowed, "It's okay."

The clothes that had been boring all night in the washing machine were almost dry. Wu Yuan put on his clothes, then walked to Qi Cheng without expression, and paused: "Borrow some money."

He obviously made up his mind after a bit of ideological struggle, with a slight expression on his face. Awkward, but the tone is very tough, not like borrowing money, like robbery.

Qi Cheng took out his wallet and asked him, "How much do I need?"

He was so simple, but Wu Yuan slowed down for a while before saying: "Five hundred." The

money was laundered and could be dried to go to the bank for reuse. Wu Yuan now has no time.

Qi Cheng took out five red tickets and was about to hand them to him. He suddenly smiled, "You promised me something."

Wu Yuan frowned, "What."

"When the school saw me," Qi Cheng himself Can't help laughing, "Remember to say hello to me, just three times, just say Hi." It was

clear that Wu Yuan was playing, Wu Yuan took a deep breath and agreed with a black face.

Qi Cheng was not prepared to go to class after the bad school tyrants left. He was lying on the sofa, and many people on the phone sent messages to ask him why he didn't come to class. He only returned messages from the group of roommates.

Three other people were exploded in this round.

[Xia Li: You have gone lonely and died. I was empty next to me. I was asked more than 20 times a morning, all asking how you took leave]

[Qi Cheng: What did you say? ]

[Zhu Fan: He said you blow your legs off, lying in the hospital too! ]

[Han An: He said you had a kidney deficiency and lay in the hospital! ] The

two sent messages at the same time.

Qi Cheng smiled.

[Qi Cheng: Yes, Xia Li, wait for me to go back in the afternoon to see who has broken leg and kidney deficiency and needs to go to the hospital. ]

After chatting with them for a while, Qi Cheng reminded them to take the class well, and don't just play in the classroom.

Almost immediately after sending this sentence, the text message reminded him to receive a sum of money, six digits, Qi Cheng calmly read the text message, and as usual, did not move at all, leaving the money to take root in the account.

Xia Ligang complained that he had been inquired all morning, and at noon Qi Cheng brought two large bags of snacks to him.

Full of puffed food, snacks, tempting, Xia Li's voice shivered, "Thank you dad."

Qi Cheng patted his head, "Good boy, let me in."

This morning's class is math and physics , Exactly two subjects that Qi Cheng is good at.

"That's right," Xia Li said to Qi Cheng. "It just happened that you didn't come. Both teachers took your papers. They made corrections for you. They are already in your drawer."

"Well," Qi Cheng took a look, a red score on a test paper, hit the top, he turned it over, and the math teacher was particularly angry and wrote a line next to the problem solving process of his last question. And circle a decimal point, "What decimal point is this! Where did the decimal point come from! At this point you can only give you a process to understand whether you understand it!" The

three exclamation marks expounded his anger.

Qi Cheng chewed, "Hide the test paper next time, and don't let him use it."

"Okay, you," Xia Li gave him a glance, gloating, "This can't help you, as far as the science teacher is staring at you, just follow Like our English teacher, you are all stared to death."

Qi Cheng's English performance is actually good, especially his spoken language, a standard American accent. His dad used to do business with the Yankees for a long time. He thought that American accent sounded more catchy, so Qicheng's English was taught by authentic foreign language teachers from small to large. 

However, Qi Cheng was rarely interested in writing English composition. In the last 20 minutes, he was basically empty, leaving time to sleep. This is one of the reasons why he can occasionally enter the top 20 of the grade. For this reason, angry English teachers love him in class. 

Qi Cheng sighed, and suddenly someone called him at the front door, "Is Qi Cheng here?" 

He came out of the seat again and looked at the front door. "I am."

The student who shouted at him pointed far away from the office, "Your class teacher called You go quickly, and the class will start immediately." 

Qi Cheng thanked him, and when he entered the office, Mr. Yang was alone in the whole office. Teacher Yang asked him to sit down with a blank face, and found out the photo he sent in the morning.

He asked, "What's the matter with Wu Yuan and how to take care of the patient?" 

Qi Cheng, "Probably because I am willing to help others." He looked at Teacher Yang with a smile on his face, and suddenly smiled, "Teacher, are you really not thirty years old, how can you be so wordy?"

Teacher Yang is only twenty-eight years old this year. He glared Qi Cheng and smiled and scolded: "It will change the subject."

"But I want to explain to you," Teacher Yang looked at him, "Wu Yuan is the best person. Don't provoke, you remember."

Qi Cheng was about to speak. Teacher Yang waved his hand and let him get out. "Hurry back to class, I don't want to compete with you." The

next class is a coincidence, it is English class.

The English teacher in Class 3 is a plump middle-aged female teacher. Qicheng is a love-hate relationship. Every time, the last question must start with Qi Cheng and the end question with Qi Cheng. If Qi Cheng can answer, the English teacher will split his lips and praise, "Oh, our good boy is really good today." If you can't answer,

you will keep asking questions until Qi Cheng can answer, then shake your head in disappointment. , "Bad boy."

Penalize Qi Cheng to copy the unanswered questions 50 times.

Of all the subjects, whether it is liberal arts or science, Qi Cheng's biggest headache is English.

He was determined to stay at the beginning of the English lesson, as long as he could, but Mr. Yang insisted that he go back to class soon. Reluctantly, Qi Cheng had to go back, but he just saw that the class teacher of Class 6 was seriously pulling Chi Yan to say something outside the door.

Chi Yan seemed to be aware of it and suddenly looked up here.

His glasses were not worn on his face, and the tears and moles in the corners of his eyes made his eyes cool.

Then squeezed his lips and hooked his lips in restraint.

The author has something to say:

teacher and friend are not cp

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