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 Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping in the building, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door in the middle of the night.

When he looked sleepy, there were two fat and thin men standing outside the door, shouting for him to open the door of the dormitory building.

Qi Cheng saw these clothes and put them on Qi Zhong's body. He was such a handsome guy that he was so stupid.

She wore a multi-layer coat, and her neck was covered with a scarf in this big autumn. Her eyes were exposed all over her body. Qi Zhong felt that her eyelids were hot, and the whole person was dizzy. Almost.

He had a fever-reducing sticker on his head, and he also took the medicine, but now the effect of the medicine has not worked, and it is still hot.

They are wearing their own clothes. The school uniforms have not been seen wet by the rain, but Qi Cheng and Qi Zhongli's clothes on the third and third layers look like two seasons.

"He has a fever," Qi Cheng handed the thermometer to the board, and he still held an umbrella in his hand. He spoke a little faster. "High fever, I'm going to the hospital now."

Qi Zhong was confused, unable to hear them. To say something, he just moved sideways, he moved a few steps, Qi Cheng pulled him back again, but Qi Zhong did not know what to think, and moved away step by step.

"Do not rely too close to me," he lost his voice, but also reveals internal organs hot stocks, "contagion."

Qi Chenghuai suspect he is not burned silly, "You are a fever, not cold."

Dorm students know hair After the high fever, he didn't even have time to wear clothes, so he ran out wearing slippers and vest and opened the door for them.

Qi Cheng thought that after he had said this, the other party should stop and pull the person over, but Qi Zhong still moved away, not understanding what he said just now.

Qi Cheng circled his waist directly, pushed the man in his arms and pushed him out.

In autumn rainy weather, although there will be no more thunder, there will still be rain. It took ten minutes for the dormitory building to reach the entrance of the school. The dormitory greeted the wind outside and asked tremblingly, "There will be no one in the school hospital. How can you take him to the hospital?"

"Has been called the car," said Qi to open the umbrella, did not even hesitate, with Qi Zhong has entered the rainy night, "Could you tomorrow to take off the two of us, together into three classes, 12 classes Qi Zhong."

This After the sentence was over, the two of them could no longer see the shadow in the dark. The housekeeper quickly closed the door, and began to worry about whether the two could do it.

In the middle of the night, Qi Cheng took a taxi upstairs for ten minutes and didn't receive an order. He took the opportunity to make a decisive call and directly called the second uncle Jiang Jing, so he drove to the entrance of the second school and waited.

Qi Cheng's hand on Qi Zhong's waist was like an iron palm, so he couldn't move at all. Qi Zhong couldn't move if he wanted to move aside. His breath was hot and hot, and the cold wind at night made him calm down.

"Don't, close to me so close," after eating the lozenges, the throat will still hurt, Qi Zhong turned his face, and the back of his head was facing Qi Cheng, fearing that it would spread to him, "I'm going, you hurry, go back Go to bed."

Both words hurt, and Qi Zhong felt that he was going to be dumb.

"Don't talk," isn't Qi Cheng tough, "Shut up." The

umbrella is the roommate Zhu Fan's umbrella, because the entire dormitory is the biggest one of Zhu Fan's umbrella, Qi Chengquan tightly closed Qi Qi, holding the umbrella firmly in hand, watching Qi Zhong said silently, and said again: "I am not violent to you. If you say more words now, the voice in the next two days will be completely abolished."

Qi Zhong's breathing became more and more heavy, and he turned his head silently. His eyes turned back again.

Even if the sprayed breath passes through the thin air, Qi Cheng can feel hot, Qi Cheng speeds up his pace, holding his hand hard, and pushing Qi Zhong to the entrance of the school.

After the security guard at the school gate also opened the school gate, Qi Chengli quickly took Qi Zhong out of the school. It was dark outside and there was no car on the street.

The second uncle Jiang Jing hadn't arrived yet. Qi Cheng could only take him to the shop opposite to avoid the rain. He put the umbrella away and put it to the side, reaching for the temperature above Qi Zhong's head.

Qi Zhong's reflex arc slowed down a lot, and he moved for a while, "Qi Cheng, you were just fierce." The

voice was hoarse, and it sounded quite wronged.

Qi Cheng perfunctoryly raised his wet hair on his forehead and pulled out the thermometer in his pocket to try the temperature for him.

Qi Zhong, "There are too many clothes."

He now has weakness in his hands and feet, and he still wears so many clothes that he struggles to raise his hands.

Qi Cheng pushed him to the stone steps next to him and let him sit. He pinched the thermometer through his layered collars and ran down the gap to his destination.

But his fingers were long and cold, his tail fingers swept across his chest, Qi Zhong hissed, and he subconsciously tried to hide, "cold."

"Don't talk," Qi Cheng interrupted what he still wanted to say. After putting the thermometer away, he didn't take his hand out, frowning at his heart. "It feels that the organs inside are warm."

He covered his left cavity with his hand . Chest, Qi Zhong's heart beating beneath his hands.

The anger is too great, I feel that the internal organs are hotter than the skin.

Jiang's old house is far away from the second, but the second uncle has a house in the city center on a working day. Qi Cheng's time to change Qi Zhong's clothes and medicine was coming soon.

"Your hands are cool," after a while, Qi Zhong was dissatisfied again and said unobtrusively, "change hands."

This hand was scorched by his chest.

Fortunately, there is no one around now, otherwise Qi Cheng's world-famous reputation will be destroyed here. Most of his hands reach into the collar of the boy's collar in the middle of the night and follow a pervert.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the car to come quickly with the lights on, and stopped in front of Qi Cheng without any errors.

Qi Cheng took Qi Zhong into the car, too late to say directly, "The second uncle, the city hospital."

Jiang Jinglai's rush, but his expression was calm, he nodded and ran to the city hospital.

Qi Zhong's thermometer has not reached five minutes, which is so efficient that Qi Zhong has not responded when he got in the car.

Qi Cheng's expression became helpless. He couldn't get out to reach Qi Zhong's clothes to cool him in the face of his uncle. He could only hold Qi Zhong's hands in his hands and repeatedly give him the warmth with the palms of his hands. .

His temperature is relatively cold, especially in such rainy nights and winters, Qi Zhong, like a small furnace, is completely two extremes. The skin of his hands makes Qi Zhong comfortable and he does not want to take his hands away.

When the time was up, he asked Qi Zhong to take out the thermometer. Look, all the medicines I took before were not used, and the temperature rose to 39 degrees 6!

"Fuck!" Qi Cheng couldn't help but burst his swearing, his face ugly.

"You take off some clothes for him first, otherwise it will be colder when you get off the train," Jiang Jing hasn't seen Qi Cheng like this, and Yu Guang, who has crossed from Qi Zhong, is also a little worried, "There are Liquor and wet paper towels, you wipe him."

Qi Zhong heard this sentence by himself, he began to pick up his clothes, and he also felt uncomfortable and thanked Jiang Jing: "Thank you Brother."

Jiang Jing laughed: " You can't call my elder brother, and call me my uncle after Xiaocheng."

"Oh," Qi Zhong was stunned, "Uncle."

Jiang Jing grew young, so young is actually uncle.

Qi Cheng poured liquor on the paper towel and wiped his ears and neck. Qi Zhong's skin was so hot that he frowned, but Qi Zhong's eyelids were gradually pulling down, and he was about to close.

"Do not sleep," Qi Cheng whispered in his ear, "Is there no Qi Zhong?"

He said that the tone of his sentence was more fierce than the previous one, which prevented him from speaking. Qi Zhong tried to open his eyes, which might be affected by illness. With IQ, he felt aggrieved again and said as strongly as possible: "Not asleep."

The taste of liquor went into his nose, and Qi Zhong suddenly raised his heart.

Wipe your neck, just sweating on your body, Qi Cheng will also smell the sweat on him!

He sniffed his nose, eager to turn his head to look at his neck and back, Qi Cheng tweeted, "You still have a high fever and still smell good liquor?"

Qi Zhong said embarrassedly that he was smelling sweat The smell is ambiguous.

"You can't drink it if you smell good," Qi Cheng put down the bottle and wet tissues, and then he put his collar in order. "Qi Zhong, you are really in poor health. How do you hit someone when you play basketball?"

Qi Zhong now has a fever and can't see it. Jiang Jingyan, who was driving in front of him, knew what he was thinking.

Deliberately saying something annoying, fearing that the child will get worse when he falls asleep.

Qi Cheng's expression in the rearview mirror was also clear. Jiang Jing felt that the two should be very good friends. Otherwise, Qi Cheng would not know that he had a fever in the middle of the night, so he took the person to the hospital so personally.

After waiting for the city hospital, Qi Zhong was taken to the hanging water area and waited for the nurse and sister to give him a needle. Qi Cheng was also relieved a lot by the presence of a professional. He sent Jiang Jing out of the hospital and asked him to go back to bed quickly When he returned to the hospital again, he still had a cup of hot water in his hand.

Qi Zhong looked at him eagerly, drinking hot water, and although his throat still hurts, he felt he could speak now, "Uncle went back?"

The uncle also called the self- familiar, Qi Cheng looked at his eyes , "It's quite easy to cry."

Qi Zhong relied on himself from now on, and was not afraid of being embarrassed by him. He straightened and said: "The life-saving benefactor asked me to call me, of course I must call it well!"

" Quietly, don't talk," Qi Cheng first frowned and trained him, and said, "Salvation benefactor?"

Qi Cheng, "He is your life-saving benefactor, what am I?"


Qi Zhong felt that his eyes were starting to get hot.

He stuttered and didn't say a few words, and the nurse sister appeared to give him a needle like an angel. Qi Zhongchang breathed a sigh of relief, shit, shit.

It's not that the throat can't speak, but the brain can't speak.

The nurse's sister told Qi Cheng, "Give him more hot water and want to go to the toilet to be outside."

She walked away after telling her. Qi Cheng stood beside him and looked at Qi Zhong with a smile, not letting go of the topic just now, "said Ah, he is your life-saving benefactor, what am I?"

Qi Zhong burned smoke above his head, and said in a false voice: "You are also my life-saving benefactor."

"No," Qi Chengsha shook his head. "Too many life-saving benefactors are worthless. I was woken up by you in the middle of the night, and I went upstairs to see what happened to you. Put on clothes, take medicine and give medicine, Take you to the hospital, anyway, I refused to rank with my uncle."

"Then he is not, life-saving benefactor," Qi Zhong quickly changed his mind, "only you."

Qi Chengfu "You are such a person" Looking at him with an expression, he had to take out his mobile phone. "Then my uncle and I told him that he wouldn't use it tonight." It

was so high that Qi Zhong felt that his head was not enough. Qi Cheng still did. He was about to cry, "So what do you want."

Qi Cheng sat on the handrail beside him casually, "Looking at you so miserable, then he is your life-saving benefactor."

He smiled with a smile, his head turned to Qi Zhong Duishi, smirked, "I will be wronged, be your good brother."

The author has something to say: Qi Zhong: good, good brother... blushing and excited.jpg

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